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这完全是个谬论。That's a complete fallacy.

这一条迷信也是能够完全破除的。This fallacy can also be exploded.

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这种手法叫感情误置。This is called the pathetic fallacy.

这叫做个人偏好谬论。And this called the ad hominem fallacy.

又是一个销售代表宣扬地谬论。Another fallacy promoted by sales reps.

又是一个销售代表宣扬的谬论。Another fallacy promoted by sales reps.

这就是“公正世界信念”的影响。These are shades of the Just World Fallacy.

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事实再一次揭穿了这一谎言。Facts once again give the lie to the fallacy.

我们能够同时做多件事是否是一个谬论呢?Is it a fallacy that we're able to multitask?

这种谬论早已被批得体无完肤。This fallacy has long since been torn to shreds.

这是肯定结果的谬论。This is the fallacy of affirming the consequent.

说照相机绝不骗人,这是谬见。It is a fallacy to say that the camera never lies.

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听起来有些理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑。It sounds reasonable but it is actually a fallacy.

我们现在来讲。俄克拉何马神枪手谬误。We'll talk about the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

我觉得这纯粹是一种谬论和错觉。I answer, that this is a gross fallacy and delusion.

他们是犯了。They participated in the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

认为成功总是带来幸福是一种普遍的谬见。It's a popular fallacy that success always brings happiness.

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这个谬误可能是Web处理的最差一个了。This is probably the fallacy least-well-addressed by the Web.

我实际上听过这个曾经很强的谬论,在问答时间明白了。I actually heard that fallacy loud and learn on question time.

指的是基于一种错误或不全面观点之上的信仰,类似于中文中的'谬论'。The idea that all babies can walk when they are one is a fallacy.