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釉下墨彩雄鸡纹瓶。Underglaze black color cock pattern vase.

釉下彩弥勒佛。Underglaze Wucai porcelain Maitreya Buddha.

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人们不要长期使用装饰艳丽的釉上彩烤花餐具。People should try to use glaze or underglaze ceramics.

釉上墨彩山水方尊。Underglaze black color mountain and water square vese.

青花瓷是中国陶瓷史上有名的釉下彩。Underglaze blue is a kind of famous underglaze in Chinese ceramic history.

2002年至2006年,马玥将全部的精力投入到釉上彩和釉下彩的绘制中。From 2002 to 2006, she put all her energy into the creation of underglaze and overglaze decoration.

若需购买内壁有色釉的,那么购买釉中彩和釉下彩餐具最佳。For purchase the inner glazed tableware, it is wise to choose underglaze color and glazed dinnerware.

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18世纪中期的外销瓷产于景德镇。釉下彩蓝白釉托盘一对。Exportporcelain made in Jingdezhen in mid 18th Century. A pair of shaped trays in blue and white underglaze decoration.

还成功地烧出了红色,为以后釉里红瓷的烧造打下了良好的基础。The TongGuan kilns were successful in producing a red colour also, laying the foundation for later underglaze red porcelain.

釉下彩的普及,釉下彩的创烧,为长沙铜官窑在中国陶瓷史上留下浓墨重彩的一页。The first burning and popularity of the underglaze colour made the Changsha Kiln very important in China's history of porcelain.

分析了色料粒度、釉层厚度对釉里红呈色的影响。Meanwhile, the influence of the pigment granularity and the glaze thickness on the color generation of underglaze red is also analysed.

永乐、夏德及雍正朝所制的带有红三鱼、红三果或红莲织装饰的白瓷通常都称为釉里红。Yongle, Xuande and Yongzhen Whitewares decorated with three-red-fish, three-red-fruit or lotus designs have usually been called underglaze red.

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通过实验优选出呈色良好的釉里红色料、面釉、里釉的配方。This paper aims at selecting the optimal formulas of good color generation for underglaze red, surface glaze and ground glaze by means of experiments.

东方陶瓷艺术的高峰醴陵窑是清代开始崛起的著名瓷窑,以生产白瓷和釉下瓷著称。The peak of the oriental ceramic art Liling kiln rise in the Qing Dynasty. And Liling kiln is famous for produce white porcelain and underglaze porcelain.

人们一直以「最难拿捏是深浅,千载难逢釉里红」来安慰自己。In addition, artists comforted themselves with the saying, "It is difficult to control the tincture, and underglaze red can be achieved only once in a while."

陶瓷餐具的制作方法分为釉上彩、釉下彩、釉中彩三种,其中的有害金属铅、镉等主要来源于釉上颜料。Methods of making ceramic tableware are overglaze color, underglaze color and glazed. The harmful metals like cadmium and lead are mainly from the enamel paint.

全面阐述了陶瓷釉下彩贴花纸丝网印刷工艺,属实用工艺技术推广。This paper fully analyzes the silk-screen printing process of the applique paper in ceramic underglaze decroation. it proves that it has the great promoted value.

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一件精美稀有、胎体厚重的对瓶,清华莲文上以斗彩风格施彩釉。A rare, heavy and very finely potted pair of bottle vases well decorated with stylized lotus flowers in underglaze blue with Doucai style overglaze enamel decoration.

后经北大的历史学者认定为真正的釉里红,当时大陆还无法烧制成功。Later, historians in Beijing University verified it to be authentic underglaze red porcelain. At that time, nobody could fire any underglaze red porcelain successfully.

一旦将釉里红烧制成功,都不敢相信自己的手艺,而认为是上天的恩宠所致。Even if they were successful in firing underglaze red porcelain, they did not believe it was the result of their artisanship, and instead, they thought it was heaven's blessing.