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折翼之鸟,羡慕,哭泣。Flightless bird, jealous, weeping.

小企鹅是不能飞的鸟。Little penguins are flightless birds.

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渡渡鸟是全新世晚期不会飞翔的鸟类。Dodos are flightless birds from the late Holocene.

看看我们,两个非主流。一只有毒的青蛙,一只不会飞的怪鸟。Look at us. Misfits. A toxic frog, and a flightless freak.

可是再后来,其中一些失去飞行能力的竹节虫又重新长出了翅膀。Later, some of those flightless insects evolved wings again.

我们锃光发亮但不太会飞的翅膀不还是会令人厌恶吗?Are our shiny, flightless wings not still a source of revulsion?

新西兰人则骄傲地展示他们的几维,一种不会飞的鸟。New Zealanders proudly display their kiwi, a native flightless bird.

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纽西兰人则骄傲地展示他们的鹬鸵,一种不会飞的鸟。New Zealanders proudly display their kiwi , a native flightless bird.

你能胜过其他的小丑,并且娱乐这群不会飞的群众吗?Can you outshine the other jesters and entertain the flightless masses?

非本土动物,如,老鼠,猫和猫鼬杀死不能飞的鸟类并劫掠它们的巢。Non-native animals like rats, cats and mongooses kill flightless birds and raid nests.

努纳是一种不会飞的禽,原产于纳布沼泽,其笨拙的步态很滑稽。Comical in their ungainly gait, nunas are flightless fowl native to the swamps of Naboo.

与绝大多数不会飞的鸟类相比,奇异朱鹭的胸骨更大,翅膀更长。Xenicibis also had a much larger breastbone and longer wings than most flightless birds.

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驼是新西兰的国鸟,它就是这些不能飞行的鸟类之一。The kiwi which is New Zealand's national bird , is one of these types of flightless birds.

小企鹅不能飞,但是每回游了5000英里重回德·索查先生身边。The flightless bird is believed to swim around 5,000 miles everytime he returns to Mr de Souza.

一些昆虫种类,如蚜虫,出现无翅个体,被称为无翅型。In some species, such as aphids, the flightless morph lacks wings and is called the apterous morph.

身高三英尺、拥有巨喙的渡渡鸟已经成为了“动物灭绝”的标志。The dodo, a three-foot-tall flightless bird with a great big beak, has become a symbol of extinction.

这个火山的爆发可能导致恐鸟,一种新西兰无翼大鸟的灭绝。The volcano may have contributed to the extinction of the moas, New Zealand's gigantic flightless birds.

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动物学家长久以来一直好奇这种不会飞的海鸟,离开陆地这麽长一段时间内的去向。Zoologists have long wondered where the flightless seabird goes during these long spells away from land.

食火鸡喜欢保持低调,但是当对这个不会飞的大鸟被骚扰的时候,它会极度的富有攻击性并且守卫自己的领地!It prefers to keep a low profile, but when disturbed this flightless bird can become extremely aggressive and territorial.

摩亚恐鸟是生存在新西兰岛的另一种巨型鸟,同样缺乏进攻性,由于人类的捕杀已于18世纪灭绝。The moa was another flightless giant bird that lived in New Zealand until it was hunted to extinction in the 18th century.