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踏板技巧是一个重要又容易被忽视的问题。The skill of the footboard is an important and easy to be ignored question.

轮式专用机械车运行过程中,允许在脚踏板上站人。When a wheeled machinery moves, people are allowed to stand on the footboard.

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此应用程序上进行内部的踏板,以便没有显示来自外部。This application is done on the inside of the footboard so nothing shows from the outside.

一人轻松坐在后座和其他人都可以站在后方踏板。One person as easily sits on the back seat and other person can stand on the rear footboard.

踏板使用的好坏直接影响到弹奏的声音、色彩和风格。The quality that the footboard uses influences the sound , color and style that plays directly.

在这些国家,没人可以挂在车外、踩着踏脚板旅行,也不会有火车的门仍然是打开的!In such countries, nobody can hang on the footboard and travel, nor does the doors remain open in any train !

在左侧风情况下,我们需要踩有舵,并向左控制操纵杆,进行侧风修正。In this situation we need to step the right footboard of rudder and rotate the column to the left in compensate for the left crosswind affection.

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同时还配备了电子控制的安全气囊,方向盘,踏板反应器和动力传输系统。Simultaneously has also provided the electronic control security aerocyst , the steering wheel, the footboard reactor and the dynamic transfer system.

车架为踏板式结构,驾乘更为舒适方便,能明显的减轻驾驶人员的劳动强度。The vehicle frame is the footboard type structure, which is comfortable and convenient in riding and can obviously reduce the labor intensity of riders.

本文拟从巴赫、海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬、肖邦、舒曼、李斯特等作家的作品,来探讨使用踏板尤其是延音踏板时应掌握的主要原则。This text will discuss the main principle when the footboards are used, especially the tenuto footboard. by the works of Bach, Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumanne and Li Site.