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她的父亲在他被扣留的牙科设备。Her father made dental devices during his detainment.

她选了两次也没选择我我还拿什么去挽留呢?She had made two choices but not me, what I could do for detainment?

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现在逮捕他的警报已经遍及所有国际刑警组织会员国。Now the alert for his detainment has spread across all Interpol member states.

失去了才后悔,你的离开是那么的情非得已,可是我的挽留却那么的苍白无力。I regret when i was lost. it is not because for your left but my detainment is weak.

黎因为过于声张自己的追求,所以对威胁和扣留并不陌生。Li is no stranger to the threats and detainment that come from being too vocal in her quest.

该图显示什么被迫生活在移动和日裔美国人被扣留等。The drawings show what life was like during the forced move and detainment of Japanese-Americans.

自2002年以来,这个基地已成为同义词的恐怖分子嫌疑人的被扣留的设施。Since 2002, the base has become synonymous with its detainment facilities for suspected terrorists.

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科洛桑警用飞车的后座安装了安全围栏以关押那些被捕的人。The backseat of the Coruscant police speeders have security bars for the detainment of those arrested.

被扣留人拒不签字或者捺指印的,应当予以注明。The detainee's refusal to sign or press down his fingerprint shall be indicated in the Detainment Decision.

审前羁押是民主法治国家中必要的恶害,适用上应坚持例外原则与比例原则。In application of the pretrial detainment the principle of exception and proportionality should be maintained.

一名德国工程师和四名阿富汗人经过阿富汗约三个月的拘留后已获释放。A German engineer and four Afghans were released safely after nearly three months of detainment in Afghanistan.

因此,羁押制度的程序化对于消除超期羁押有重要意义。Therefore, the proceduralization in the detainment system will be significant in the removal of over-detainment.

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近年来因索债引起的非法拘禁案呈上升态势,应引起社会的高度重视。The crime of illegal detainment due to debt-claim is increasing recently, which should draw public attention seriously.

经过数年的审讯,穆罕默德承认参与策划了数十起恐怖袭击阴谋。After several years of detainment and coercive interrogation, he admitted to participating in dozens of terrorist plots.

该公司很快发现,父亲和儿子一道前往古巴,克罗尔是能够谈判父亲的扣留。The firm soon discovered that father and son were going to Cuba, where Kroll was able to negotiate the father's detainment.

船舶优先权的行使有别于其它权利的行使,需要通过扣押当事船舶来实现。Enforcement of maritime lien which differs enforcement of other rights, needs to be realized by means of detainment of ships.

第三条海关依法对走私犯罪嫌疑人实施扣留,适用本规定。Article 3 The present Provisions shall be applicable to the implementation of detainment by the customs on the smuggling suspects according to law.

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应当指出,站在外面的财产周边闲置也很可能导致扣押和审问,因此是不可取的。It should be noted that standing idle outside the perimeter of the property could likely result in detainment and questioning, and is thus ill advised.

旅客或交通运输工具因手续不符等原因被阻留,一般不超过30分钟做出放行或不放行的决定。IV. In case of detainment of travelers or vehicles due to their improper conditions, decision of rejection or release will be declared within 30 minutes.

对情况复杂,依照本条例规定适用拘留处罚的,讯问查证的时间不得超过二十四小时。The time of interrogation and investigation shall not exceed twenty-four hours in complicated cases subject to detainment according to these Regulations.