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克雷文给了你什么?。What has Craven offered you?

不过,广播电台可承受不起这种怯懦的行为。But broadcasters can't afford to be so craven.

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尊敬的克雷文主席和夫人Respected President Sir Philip Craven and Mrs Craven

第一部长克雷文在2008年9月6日举办了联大会议。First Minister Craven called a meeting of the Assembly on 6 September 2008.

你认为,如果克雷文开口会有什么后果?What, in your opinion, would be the consequences if Craven opens his mouth?

营销学专家罗伯特-克雷文认为这便是他们失败的一个很重要的原因。Robert Craven , a sales training expert, says there is one big reason they fail.

加州劳伦斯医生名为克雷文首先指出六十年前的这个效果。A California doctor named Lawrence Craven first noted this effect sixty years ago.

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像“恐怖教父”韦斯·克雷文的那种恐怖电影。Like, "from master of horror Wes Craven", you know, that kind of stuff, you know.

一个加州劳伦斯·克拉文首先提到医生命名这个效果大约六十年前。A California doctor named Lawrence Craven first noted this effect about sixty years ago.

他的影子也投射在这些怯懦的心灵上,在嘲笑者的心坎和嘴唇上,也在我的心坎和嘴唇上。Here also over these craven hearts his shadow lies and on the scoffer's heart and lips and on mine.

法耶德的目标,它被认为是价格昂贵的河岸变成单位克雷文平房的吱吱作响的立场。Fayed's aim, it was thought, was to turn Craven Cottage's creaking stands into pricey riverside flats.

北京禁止“享乐主义”广告宣传——北京禁止宣传享乐主义或崇洋媚外性质的户外广告。Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.

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上次两队在克拉文农场球场的一场肉搏战中博阿。莫特攻入了唯一的入球。Luis Boa Morte scored the only goal the last time the two sides met at Craven Cottage in a bad-tempered game.

他在克拉文农场找到了自己的状态,并且在夏天给蓝军主帅穆里尼奥留下了深刻的印象。He found his form at Craven Cottage and made a positive impression on Blues chief Jose Mourinho during the summer.

他不许空的诺言,也不找怯懦的借口,说他的手被世界上比他自己更强大的力量束缚住了。He made no empty promises, nor the craven excuse that his hands were tied by more powerful forces in the world than himself.

在农夫球场,马克西罗德里格斯再度上演帽子戏法,帮助利物浦以5比2横扫富勒姆,继续扼守欧战席位。Another Maxi Rodriguez hat-trick helped Liverpool climb back into a European spot with a 5-2 win over Fulham at Craven Cottage.

维甘队控制了比赛,但是马尔布兰克在上半时伤停补时阶段的戏剧性进球使他在克莱文农庄球场上狂奔。Wigan dominated the match but Malbranque scored against the run of play in first-half injury time at Fulham's Craven Cottage stadium.

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第二选择是富勒姆36岁老将安蒂。尼米,他在主力门将的争夺中败给了美国球员卡塞。凯勒。The second option sis Fulham veteran Antti Niemi, 36, who has lost his first team place at Craven Cottage to the American Kasey Keller.

第一部长克雷文公共邀请采油权标价,表示招标审判会“公开的、透明的及有竞争性的”。First Minister Craven issued a public call for bids, which announced that the bidding process would be "open, transparent and competitive."

北京停止”享乐主义”广告饱吹——北京停止饱吹享乐主义或崇洋媚中性量的户中广告。Beijing bans "hedonistic" advertising Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.