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我正从岩架往下转,I was swinging off this ledge

壁架凌空伸出几英尺。The ledge overhangs by several feet.

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我将放我的前腿在窗沿上。I will put my front legs on the window ledge.

他是在俯视谷的一个宽壁架。He was on a wide ledge overlooking the valley.

我请她离开楼边走到里面来,到我怀里来。I asked her to come in off the ledge and into my arms.

他小心翼翼地沿着那突出的檐向那惊惶失措的男孩靠近。He eased himself along the ledge to reach the terrified boy.

我毫不费力地沿着座位摸索到了窗沿,窗户是开着的。I moved easily along the berth and felt for the window ledge.

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而这种思想,在为人所认识之前,本是直觉。And this thought before it could be know- ledge was an instinct.

噢,滑窗台,走栏杆或者跳楼梯。you know, grind that ledge or do that rail or jump those stairs.

他把从鼻孔里抠出来的干鼻屎小心翼翼地放在岩角上。He laid the dry snotpickedfrom his nostril ledge of rock, carefully.

杰夫爬下一块五英尺高的礁石,欲安抚他们。Jeff lowered himself to a ledge five feet down and tried to calm them.

艾达陨坑可能也是火星上唯一一个内部岩架向下滑落的单一大型陨坑。It could also be a single large crater whose inner ledge slid downward.

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这名士兵站在山谷边矗立不动。This soldier was standing on the ledge over the valley and had a moment.

安得森先生抽完烟,把烟灰缸留在窗台上,熄灭油灯便上床睡觉了。Anderson finished the cigarette. He left the ashtray on the window ledge.

在山口上有一排蛮危险的架子,从这里望下去就能见到火山口了。There is a precarious ledge on top of the crater to gaze into the volcano.

消费者不仅能够获得商品知识,也能得到艺术享受。Consumers can gain not only kno ledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment.

我向上攀登巉岩直到顶端的岩架。I hoisted myself up the jagged rocks until I made it to a ledge at the top.

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岩壁梁是地下厂房开挖中的重点和难点。Ledge beam is important and difficult in underground powerhouse excavation.

吓坏了的欲自杀者笑出声来,从窗口爬了回去。The startled would-be suicide laughed and crawled back from his window ledge.

消费者不仅能够获得商品知识,也能得到艺术享受。The consumers can gain not only kno ledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment.