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爱斯梅拉达是什么意思?What is the meaning of the words, 'la Esmeralda ?'

在酒店前台登记,该酒店名叫艾斯么拉达公园。Checking in at the hotels reception, the Esmeralda Park.

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埃斯梅拉达出生后,我买下它为了保护家人。I bought it for home protection after Esmeralda was born.

在那一天,在那一刻,艾思慕拉达。嘎西亚的轻松感觉一直持续着。A light went on inside Esmeralda Garcia on that day, in that moment.

爱斯梅拉达的刀子和贾利的羊角仍在对着格兰瓜尔。Esmeralda 's knife and Djali's horns were still pointing at Gringoire.

埃斯梅拉达拿着面包,掰下一小块放在手里,贾利将它吃了。Esmeralda took the bread and broke a little of it in her hand. Jali ate it.

随后,他闯进了一场三角恋,和前面说到的浮罗洛同时爱上了可爱的吉普赛女郎艾丝美拉达。He then winds up in a love triangle with the lovely gypsy Esmeralda and the aforementioned Frollo.

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拉·爱斯梅拉达死了,海绵吸够了水,在世上,一切对于克洛德都已成为过去。Now, with la Esmeralda dead, the sponge was soaked, all was at an end on this earth for Dom Claude.

有谣言说迪斯尼曾有一位类似巴黎圣母院中的艾丝美拉达的轻浮女子。Rumor has it that Disneyland had an Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame who was very flirtatious.

那天晚上,拉·爱斯梅拉达带着一种忘怀一切和充满希望与温甜的心情,在她的小房间里睡得很熟。That night, la Esmeralda had fallen asleep in her cell, full of oblivion, of hope, and of sweet thoughts.

从卡西莫多第一次用他那畸形的眼睛看到那姑娘,这个可怜的驼子就疯狂地爱上了艾丝美拉达。From the first moment Quasimodo laid his misshapen eyes on her, the poor dope was madly in love with Esmeralda.

爱斯梅拉达把自己打量了一番,发现自己仅穿着一件单薄的白衣裳,于是她转过身避开加西莫多。Esmeralda looked down at herself, and saw that she was wearing only a thin, white dress, she turned away from Quasimodo.

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但是埃斯梅拉达农场的营销主管莫尼卡·乌尔里希表示,这并不意味着消费者花了冤枉钱。But that does not mean customers should not get their money's worth, says Monica Ullrich, marketing director of Esmeralda Farms.

爱斯梅拉达越舞越快,在格兰瓜尔旁边的人群中有一张脸,那两只眼睛用一种异样的目光死死地盯住她。Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.

天生畸形、被巴黎圣母院收容而担任敲钟人的卡西莫多,以及圣母院的副主教弗侯洛、与侍卫队的队长腓比斯,都情不自禁的爱上美丽的艾丝梅拉达。Quasinodo, the bell striker naturally macrocephalic and accepted by Notre Dame de Paris, Frollo, coadjutor and Phoebus, the leader of housecarl, they let themselves go to beautiful Esmeralda.