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他是德国最早的集体主义的民族主义的传道者之一。He was one of the earliest apostles of collectivistic nationalism in Germany.

此外,西方人相对比较个人主义而东方人则更看重集体主义。Besides, the westerns are individualistic while the easterners are more collectivistic.

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研究的结果表明,正如假设,美国的电视商业广告表现出更为明显的个人主义特征。S. ads as hypothesized, but Chinese ads are not found to be more collectivistic. Contrary to our hypothesis, U.

集体主义价值观与冲突行为之间的关联依水平价值观而定。Data shows the correlation between collectivistic values and conflict behaviors depends on the power distance value.

同时集体主义文化特性也使名人代言更能带动与引领中国的消费者。And in collectivistic countries such as China, advertising featuring celebrity endorsers is more likely to guides consumers.

数据分析证明美国是个人主义文化,而中国是集体主义文化。Data analysis in the present study proves that the United States is an individualistic culture and China a collectivistic culture. 2.

二者,如果社会大众的教育水平没有达到一定程度,那么集体行动往往会呈现出狂热和非理性。On the other hand, collectivistic action often presents fanaticism and irrationality if the mass education can not get to a certain degree.

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具体来说,集体主义文化的成员期望口头交流采用间接方式、有礼貌、不亲密。Specifically, members of collectivistic cultures expect greater verbal indirectness, politeness, and non-immediacy than members of individualistic cultures.

主要论述了分布式实时在线可控大气监测网的总体设计、技术要点及解决途径。Mostly expatiating the collectivistic design , technique kernels and resolving approaches of distributed real time online controllable atmosphere monitoring web.

相反的,在个体主义社会中,个体自我更受推崇,而冲突处理手段则偏向直接或竞争性的手段。Generally speaking, in collectivistic culture, the collective self is chosen as priority and indirect ways of handling conflict, such as compromising or avoiding are favored.

集体主义的或与集体主义一致的道德要求仍然是私营企业应该践履的,集体主义道德的发扬离不开私营企业的参与和支持。The collectivistic moral demand should still be abided by the private enterprises and the development of collectivistic moral can be separate from the participation of private enterprises.