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这是一间非常难看的大房子。It was a massive, graceless house.

爱要如何在这样丑陋的时期存活?。How can love survive in such a graceless age?

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这个时代,变化太快,爱情都无法从容。These days, are fast, love don't last in this graceless age.

有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊!Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner!

我们迎合低俗粗糙的社会风气,但是真理比真爱来的更不容易。Rough and graceless would be such greeting, but truth is handsomer than the affectation of love.

你知道,我是个不可救药的人,宗教对这种问题的看法对我没多大教益。You know I'm such a graceless dog that these religious aspects of such subjects don't edify me such.

可是,即使我们晓得真理,在熟谙真道前,我们仍然会表现笨拙,毫无优美可言。And yet even when we know the truth, we can still be awkward and graceless at times until we get the feel of it.

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对他们过于迷信将会导致文化的低俗化和话语的粗野化。Too superstitious to them what will bring about the low vulgarization of culture and speech is graceless change.

“还不如拿上你的球棍,到外面找同学去呢,”斯蒂芬边说边跟着少年粗俗的背影走向门口。You had better get your stick and go out to the others stephen said as he followed towards the door the boy's graceless form.

“还不如拿上你的球棍,到外面找同学去呢,”斯蒂芬边说边跟着少年粗俗的背影走向门口。You had better get your stick and go out to the others, Stephen said as he followed towards the door the boy's graceless form.

肯尼迪让白宫有了时尚,文雅,幽默的气息,这点至今人们铭记在心。Kennedy is remembered fondly for bringing style, grace and humor to the White House--wedged between the boring Eisenhower and his graceless successors, Johnson and Nixon.

卡索一直以来都是法国电影中一股强劲的力量,他在此片中的表演同样强劲,但是在导演的安排下,他的角色同时是沉重且粗俗的。Mr. Cassel has long been a formidable force in French films, and his presence here is a strong one, but, under the spell of the movie's director, it's also a heavy and graceless one.