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他们夫妇俩被赶出了兰开郡的小镇。The couple were driven out of the Lancashire town.

安妮是兰开夏郡姑娘,老家在普雷斯顿附近的朗顿。Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton, near Preston.

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安妮是兰开夏郡姑娘,老家在普雷斯顿附近的朗顿。Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton, near Preston.

兰开夏郡出产煤炭,而曼彻斯特则消耗煤炭。Lancashire was a producer of coal, Manchester a consumer.

黛珂集团有限公司成立于1977年,总部在英国兰开夏州尼尔森镇。PD Group Ltd. was established in Nelson Lancashire UK in 1977.

黛珂集团有限公司成立于1977年,总部在英国兰开夏州尼尔森镇。PD Grooup Ltd. was established in Nelson Lancashire UK in 1977.

上个月,在英国兰开夏郡进行了第一个水力压裂试验。The first trial fracking in the UK took place last month, in Lancashire.

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把兰开夏郡与约克夏郡分开的山脉叫宾南山脉。The hills that separate Lancashire from Yorkshire are called the Pennines.

最大型的滚鸡蛋比赛在兰开夏郡的普雷斯顿的阿文汉公园举行。The best-publicised event takes place at Avenham Park in Preston, Lancashire.

他从来不相信兰开郡队——他是一个地地道道的约克郡人。He'll never give credit to a Lancashire team-he's Yorkshireman to the backbone.

观察正在发生的事情,直播兰开夏郡黑泽市天气。View of what is happening with the current live weather at Blackpool, Lancashire.

在新门监狱,她与她的兰开夏郡重逢的丈夫,谁也被逮捕。In prison at Newgate, she reunites with her Lancashire husband, who has also been arrested.

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她出生在兰开夏大学在1944年,曾就读佳能斯莱德文法学校在博尔顿。She was born in Lancashire in 1944 and was educated at Canon Slade Grammar School in Bolton.

兰开夏郡锡尔弗代尔,皇家保护鸟类协会莱顿莫斯自然保护区,苍鹭抓住一只螃蟹。A grey heron catches a crab at the RSPB Leighton Moss nature reserve, Silverdale, Lancashire.

宾南山脉位于兰开夏郡和约克夏郡之间,是远足的人所喜欢的中央。The Pennine Hills, which are very popular with hikers, are situated between Lancashire and Yorkshire.

最近英国的一项研究认为兰开夏50场轻微地震是由附近的压裂而引起的。A recent British study suggested that 50 tiny quakes in Lancashire were the result of fracking nearby.

即使兰开夏郡的一家小书店还在书旁摆了块写着“本地作者”的牌子,也还是不行。Not even the copy in the tiny Lancashire shop with "Locale Au?thor" on a piece of cardboard next to it.

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赛后在接受采访时这位18岁的球员说兰开夏之旅让他在场上和场下都更成熟了。After the game the 18-year-old admitted that his Lancashire experience helped him mature on and off the pitch.

凯蒂.妮可.威廉斯在她位于兰开夏郡普勒斯顿附近的家中,因为葡萄卡在气管而噎到。Katie Nicole Williams choked after the fruit became lodged in her windpipe at her home near Preston, Lancashire.

在周六利物浦2-1险胜来自兰开夏郡的博尔顿队一战中,这位红军边锋替补上阵,在伤停补时阶段攻入了制胜进球。The winger came off the bench to strike an injury-time winner in Saturday's 2-1 success over the Lancashire club.