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这是赑屃。This is a bi xi.

毕门庭。Yadar Bi Menting.

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我运行下test,bi试试,喔!We'll run test bi. Whoops!

巴比在用沙堆城堡。Ba Bi is building a sand castle.

我一直到我十三岁时才知道自己是双性恋。I didn't know I am bi until I was 13.

想知道碧仁在拍节目时去了哪些商店?Want to know which shops Bi Ren went to?

碧生源减肥茶反作用大吗?Bi reaction of students slimming tea big?

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那个工厂生产比亚迪汽车。That factory produces cars named Bi Yadi.

在游泳池我一直都会后空翻。BI do back flips at the pool all the time.

文化交流是双向性的。The culture communication is bi directional.

我了解。这里的地下铁好搭吗?BI know. Are the subway trains easy to take here?

双锥环以柔性石墨作垫片。Soft graphite spacers were used in bi taper rings.

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“比”、“兴”与意象创造有着密不可分的关系。Bi and Xing is closely related with the creation of imago.

一种是带沉泥井的双蓖式雨水井,八件套。Clay is a kind of double Bi type water wells, eight times.

为了对得起祖宗,老毕一直孤独坚持着。For the sake of his ancestors, Old Bi held out, all alone.

凤尾香罗薄几重,碧文圆顶夜深缝。Hong Luo thin Pteris several heavy, Bi Wen night dome slit.

对,他们州的新口号是“自由的活或者两性的活。”Their new state motto is 'Live Free or Bi.'" --Jimmy Fallon

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王弼、何晏一派的思想被称为玄学。The thought of Wang Bi and He Yan was called for Metaphysics.

“璧”为贵重礼器,也是美玉的通称。"Bi"is the valuable ritual vessels and another name for jade.

中国的毕先生训练的爱猫便便发明猫咪专用的冲厕器。Chinese man called Mr Bi has trained his cat to use his toilet.