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我将在百科全书中查阅它。I'll look it up in the encyclopaedia.

这是本哲学百科全书。This is an encyclopaedia of philosophy.

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我们管他叫活百科全书。We tabbed him as a walking encyclopaedia.

杰克决定使用他的百科全书。Jack decided to put his encyclopaedia to use.

一部好的百科全书是知识宝库。A good encyclopaedia is a mine of information.

他们仍在孜孜不倦地编写那部百科全书。They were still driving away at the encyclopaedia.

那个男孩很喜欢看那本儿童百科全书。The boy likes to read the children's encyclopaedia.

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他从百科全书中摘抄了有关资料。He copied the relevant data out of the encyclopaedia.

查查看!梅的爸爸给她买了一部百科全书。Look it up! May's father bought her an encyclopaedia.

关于这个题目,首先应去查百科全书。The first book to turn to on that subject is the Encyclopaedia.

给你带一本词典还是带一本百科全书来?劳驾把两本都带来。Shall i bring you a dictionary or an encyclopaedia? Both, please!

在线百科全书维基百科推出以来已经有十年时间了。It's ten years since the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia was launched.

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百科全书条目释文是一种权威性辞书的说明文字,其语言朴实、洁、谨。The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing.

更糟糕的是,这部书还把阿尔巴尼亚人看做高地人。Worse, the encyclopaedia also referred to the Albanians as "highlanders".

第一、哲学全书排斥只是零碎的知识的聚集,例如,文字学似属于此类的知识。An encyclopaedia of philosophy excludes three kinds of partial science. I.

其次,彝文金石内容的含盖面很广,是古代彝族的一部百科全书。Secondly, they are an encyclopaedia of the ancient Yis for their wide coverage.

你在查看百科全书页面时,高级链接可以让你查找其他信息。Once you're looking at an encyclopaedia page, hyperlinks can take you to any other informating in there.

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即将开幕的爱情故事的男主角,坚持高标准的形象百科全书。The forthcoming opening of the love story of the actor, upholding the high standards the image of Encyclopaedia.

中文百科全书具有独特的“辞书语言”语体特征。The Chinese encyclopaedia bears a distinctive stylistic feature which is characteristic of Chinese encyclopaedias.

维基百科否认了其失去许多帮忙维持在线百科编辑的传言。Wikipedia has disputed claims that it has lost a huge number of editors that help maintain the online encyclopaedia.