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对于自己新近被发掘的公益意识,王有着非常个人化的理由。Wang has very personal reasons for her newfound sense of public spiritedness.

就目前来看,布朗先生的行为与公众的“少动多静”的精神状态不太相符。On the basis of Mr Brown’s behaviour so far, such public spiritedness seems unlikely.

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整本书的力道,都致力于开发意志,并控制意志。The entire thrust of the book is devoted to the taming of spiritedness, and to the control of spiritedness.

意志是灵魂的质量,且最接近,追寻荣誉、名声及威望的欲求。Spiritedness is that quality of soul that is most closely associated with the desires for honors, fame and prestige.

意志是灵魂的质量,且最接近,追寻荣誉、名声及威望的欲求。Spiritedness is that quality of soul that is most closely associated with the desires for honors, fame and prestige.

在爱情中你是热情而精力充沛的,并倾向于将精神上的爱恋作为爱情的最高标准。Your sexual energies are vigorous and enthusiastic, and in a love affair you are likely to put the highest value on spiritedness.

这样定义的意志,或说,Thumos,特质,明显地与我们追求英雄主义及献身有关连。It is clearly connected this notion of spiritedness or this thumotic quality to our capacities for heroism and for self-sacrifice.

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一系列的内部检举事件让以下问题变得突出—如何保障检举者的权益不因其公德意识而蒙受损失。A rash of insider revelations has raised questions about how protected whistleblowers are from the consequences of their public- spiritedness.

与民主和繁荣一样,这个地区获得的第三项成功是部分的重拾了公德心、信任、正直和善良。The third big achievement, alongside democracy and prosperity, is the partial restoration of public- spiritedness , trust, decency and kindness.

FBI希望最近的行动不仅仅只是让“僵尸牧人”们感到害怕,也能够鼓励电脑拥有者展示更深的公德和爱国心。The FBI hopes that the latest operation will not just frighten bot-herders, but also encourage computer-owners to show more public- spiritedness.

但即使在我们思考之后,如果我是商人阶级的一员,我仍然不会,只有欲望与渴求,就像如果我是战士阶级的一员,将肯定不会,只有,Thumos,或说意志。But even still when we think of it, if I am a member of the money making class, I am still more than simply a bundle of desires and appetites, just as a member of the warrior class would be clearly more than mere thumos or mere spiritedness.

生存在寒冷地区的民族,特别是在欧洲,都充满了意志“,等同柏拉图的用词,“Thumos,他们都充满了,但缺乏推论的思考能力“,即缺乏商议的要素。He writes "The nations in cold locations particularly in Europe are filled with spiritedness." There is that platonic word again Thumos thumos are filled with thumos " "but lacking in discursive thought " lacking in the deliberative element in other words.