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劳伦特博士问。Dr. Laurent questioned.

人家怀疑他的诚意。His bona fides was questioned.

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他受到警察的查问。He was questioned by the police.

“是,老师?”女生欵问的回答。"Yes, sir?" questioned the girl.

你对你的信仰质疑过吗?Have you questioned your beliefs?

他轻声问我,因何败殁?。He questioned softly Why I failed?

警察更进一步地讯问了他。The policeman questioned him further.

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警方审讯了奥斯瓦德两天。Police questioned Oswald for two days.

钟离质问贺俊峰后悔吗?The clock is questioned He Junfeng regret?

何芸质问钟离干什么魂不守舍的?He Yun questioned bell from whats spaced out?

她质疑他作为市议员的诚信度。She questioned his integrity as a councillor.

他甚至怀疑易建联的注册身高。Stefanski even questioned Yi's listed height.

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作为一个孩子,布基富勒质疑一切。As a child, Bucky Fuller questioned everything.

这些长期以來人们捧为圭臬的原则,现在都必须加以质疑。These historical axioms must now be questioned.

当警察审问我时我该如何应对呢?How would I react when the police questioned me?

苏切马上找来阿萨内,开口便是质问。Sue to a thar on chema, his mouth is questioned.

但一些批评人士对他的动机提出质疑。Some critics, however, questioned Abbasi's motives.

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这一猜测遭到动物学家的质疑。This guess was questioned by zoologists as follows.

你看见阿谁男孩受接事人的盘问了吗?。Did you see that boy being questioned by the police?

人们问道,为什么会刮风,为什么叶子会落下来。He questioned why the wind blew and the leaves fell.