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这样,他就改名叫以色列。So he named him Israel.

这样亚扪人就被以色列人制伏了。Thus Israel subdued Ammon.

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以色列来掺和个什么?Why does Israel come here?

以色列王今日诞生。Born is the King of Israel.

他上来是要向以色列人骂阵。He comes out to defy Israel.

如果以色列倒下,那我们全都会倒下。If Israel falls we all fall.

他在以色列有朋友。He had friendships in Israel.

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伊兰哈基姆从以色列飞抵。Eran Hakim flew in from Israel.

他就是以色列的开国元君。He is the first king of Israel.

我知道奥巴马抛弃了以色列。I know BHO has deserted Israel.

以色列的儿子们就如此行。So the sons of Israel did this.

伊朗没有必要用核武器攻击以色列。Iran has no need to nuke Israel.

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我们的问题只是以色列。Our only problem is with Israel.

以色列必须保卫其领土。Israel must defend its territory.

参孙作以色列的士师二十年。And he judged Israel twenty years.

以色列将永远友美。Israel will always be pro-American.

以色列一以贯之地是美国的友邦。Israel has always been pro-American.

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人人都说他对美国的憎恨来自于美对以色列的仇恨。S. was rooted in a hatred of Israel.

火箭从来没有射到以色列。The rockets never made it to Israel.

以色列共和国的单院的议会。The unicameral parliament of Israel.