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我给他这样严肃的责备。I gave him this serious reproof.

神的群羊也互相责备。Reproof belongs to the sheep also.

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他低沈地用斥责的话来骂儿子。He lowed words of reproof at his son.

嘉莉觉得这像是在谴责她。Carrie felt this as a personal reproof.

这句话的意思是要给罗伯特•奥德利先生一个堂而皇之的谴责。This was intended as a stately reproof to Mr. Robert Audley.

听从生命责备的,必常在智慧人中。The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.

天的柱子,因他的斥责,震动惊奇。The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.

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詹宁斯太太说,对女儿的责备置若罔闻。" said Mrs. Jennings, without attending to her daughter's reproof.

反轻弃我一切的劝戒,不肯受我的责备。But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof

一个能喜爱及注意到智慧的忠告和责备的人就是一个聪明的人。The one who loves and heeds the counsel and reproof of wisdom is wise.

“彬格莱先生,”伊丽莎白说,“你这样谦虚,真叫人家本来要责备你也不好意思责备了。”"Your humility, Mr. Bingley, " said Elizabeth, "must disarm reproof ."

我很清楚这些“光明天使”绝不会倾听属神的责备。I have no misconceptions that any of these would hearken to Godly reproof.

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我儿,你不可轻看耶和华的管教,也不可厌烦他的责备。My child, do not despise the Lord S discipline or be weary of his reproof.

对明智人一句指责,胜过对愚昧人百次杖击。A reproof availeth more with a wise man, than a hundred stripes with a fool.

一句责备话,深入聪明人的心,强如责打愚昧人一百下。A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.

在这些书信中,紧接在他赞扬之后的,往往是字字句句清楚的斥责。His commendation in these letters was often followed by clear words of reproof.

这些形容词共有的中心含义为。应受责备或惩罚的。The central meaning shared by these adjectives is . meriting reproof or punishment.

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螃蟹妈妈试了试,可只是徒然,她对儿子的责难没话可说了。The Mother tried in vain, and submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child.

我们所仰慕的许多“基督徒”大声谴责新世界秩序、政府等等。Many of my favorite "Christian" reapers, heap "reproof" upon the NWO, the government, etc.

螃蟹母亲徒劳无工,对于它孩子的反驳没有任何劝戒的投诚了。The mother crab tried in vain, then submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child.