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我实在为你感到害臊。I am utterly ashamed of you.

一切变了,那么彻底“All changed, changed utterly."

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爱是全心的付出。Love is being utterly spoiled.

在大多数时候,我感到完全茫然无措。Most days, I felt utterly dazed.

他的观点荒谬绝伦。His viewpoint was utterly absurd.

他毫无表情地背台词。He spoke his lines utterly dead pan.

怎样才能彻底改变呢?How can something be changed utterly?

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我相信我是有点义愤填膺了。I am utterly outraged and in disbelief.

他们被惊恐灭尽了。they are utterly consumed with terrors.

傻瓜才在爱情战役里溃不成军。A fool in love battle be utterly routed.

我疲惫不堪,砰一声倒在椅子。Utterly wearied, I slumped into the chair.

因为巴基斯坦人更加困惑——绝对是的。Pakistanis are more confused -- utterly so.

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这是控制,非常直接。That's censorship, utterly straightforward.

我告诉他,你看起来十分可笑。"You look utterly ridiculous, " I told him.

但是我听到了一支绝顶甜柔的歌曲。But I heard an utterly sweet and soft songs.

他的行为将导致众叛亲离。His behavior will make him utterly isolated.

她的微笑使我完全陶醉了。I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.

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封她来说,他是谁,根本是无关紧要的事。It was utterly indifferent to her who he was.

他们似乎全然不知将会发生什么事。They seem utterly unaware of what may happen.

他们毫不相容。They are utterly incompatible with each other.