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讨论欧美流行音乐!I love occident music!

西方又一个有偏见的观点。A jaundiced POV from the biased Occident.

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产品主要出口到欧美及澳大利亚。Our production mainly export to Occident and Australia.

译书是晚清国人了解西方的最便捷途径。Translating was the best way for the Chinese to know the Occident.

如果眼睛死盯着外面,我们注定会对欧美卡车羡慕不已。If we stare at outside, we wil be doomed to admire occident trucks.

首先,西方国家和中国的进餐方式不同。First of all, food systems between China and Occident are different.

第三章讲述了犹太人重返西欧后的经济活动。Chapter three narrates the economy activity which Jew return the Occident.

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本职位的客户为美国超大型在线电子商务商。This position is for occident super large-scale online e-commerce retailer.

目前,保险公估人的制度在欧美等发达国家已经日臻完善了。At the moment, the system of insurance assessment in the Occident is improving.

这两种传统,对中西方民族的影响是非常巨大的。The two traditions have huge influences on both oriental and occident ethnicities.

利率风险已逐步成为西方商业银行最主要的风险。This is interest rate risk, which had become the main risk of Occident commercial bank.

中提琴作为一种常见的西洋乐器,在乐队中的地位十分重要。Viola, as a familiar Occident musical instrument, plays a very important role in a band.

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她越来越受关注了,也许一段时间以后,将会成为欧美最红的女星了。She has gained much more focus and will be the most famous star of the Occident in a time.

因为按西方人的习俗圣诞节要交换礼物,但是我一忙就忘记了。Because we should exchange presents to others in occident custom, but I just forget it for busy.

在欧美及日本等发达国家,经济型酒店是一种发展得非常成熟且成功的酒店经营模式。Economical hotel is a successful and ripe pattern of the hotel management in Occident and Japan.

系列圆压模切产品遍布全国,并远销东南亚及欧美市场。The serial cylinder die-cutting products are sold all over the country, Southeast Asia and Occident.

而西方人是间接地从希腊了解关于这种伟大文明的知识。Knowledge about this great civilisation came to the Occident indirectly however in its Greek version.

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我们很高兴看到这么多的天才老师在新西方的帮助下出国任教。Therefore we are glad to see so many excellent Chinese teachers going abroad with the help of New Occident.

南海神庙是岭南文化海洋性特质和中西文化融合、创新的一个典范。The South China Sea Fane is a nonesuch which syncretizes of Ling Nan culture and culture of china and occident.

直到今天,中国与西方的服饰仍然本着各自传统的审美精神,打造各自的民族特色。Nowadays, costume of China and Occident are still creating ethnical character according to their own taste spirit.