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它可以大大增加临床医疗和康复的应用范围。It can expand considerably the range of clinical and rehabilitative applications.

结论对急性脑卒中后吞咽障碍患者进行早期康复训练具有明显效果。Conclusion Early rehabilitative training is effective on dysphagia for patients with acute stroke.

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结论康复训练有利于偏瘫患者的功能恢复。Conclusion Rehabilitative training is beneficial to the recovery of function of hemiplegia patients.

治疗组比针刺组和康复组更能有效地改善脑卒中后假性球麻痹吞咽障碍的症状。The therapy of acupuncture combined with rehabilitative training is the best one among three groups.

他们认为,“由于大脑中的吸烟相关区域与冲动控制、奖励处置和决策都有关联,这或许可以解释尼古丁成瘾是如何形成的,在后续研究中,我们准备探索戒烟对大脑的康复效果。”In a follow-up study, we plan to explore the rehabilitative effects of quitting smoking on the brain.

目的探讨作业计划疗法对康复期精神分裂症的作用。Objective To explore effects of performance planning therapy on schizophrenia in rehabilitative period.

加强联合型学习是该并发症康复治疗的有效手段。Enhancing the associative learning was an effective method for rehabilitative therapy for the complication.

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结果早期康复介入对病人的功能恢复具有十分明显的正性影响。Results Early rehabilitative treatment was effective to improve motor dysfunction in brain injury patients.

结论康复功能训练可促进大鼠脑梗死的神经功能的恢复。Conclusion Rehabilitative training can promote the recovery of the cerebral infarcted neural functions in rats.

本文详细介绍了一款用于中风病人上肢锻炼的康复器的研究和设计。In this dissertation, a rehabilitative apparatus tempered for apoplexy patient's upper limbs is studied and designed.

该康复器已得到了中风康复专家的认可,并即将得到临床应用。The rehabilitative apparatus has acquired the apoplexy recover expert's approval and will get clinical practice soon.

目的观察手法治疗脑卒中后肩—手综合征的康复疗效。ObjectiveTo observe the rehabilitative effect of patients with shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke by manipulation treatment.

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目的研究康复功能训练对大鼠脑梗死神经功能恢复的影响。Objective To study the effect of rehabilitative training on the recovery of the rats' neural function after cerebral infarction.

本文还简要介绍了机器人的运动学模型,对系统进行了运动学分析。In addition, the kinematics models and the kinematical analysis of the Lower Limbs Rehabilitative robot are introduced concisely.

结论实施医院-社区一体化防治护理提高了重性精神病病人的防治效果。Conclusion The hospital-community integrated prevention is effective in improving rehabilitative outcome in severe mental patients.

此一复健策略决策支援系统由电脑程式实现,并配合完善的人机介面,以方便使用者操作。In order to facilitate the users, the rehabilitative therapeutic decision support system is programmed on PC with user-friendly interface.

另一方面,训练居家护理师具备相当程度的复健治疗知识,不但能提升照护品质,而且有助于复健专业人员的介入。Training of rehabilitative nursing could not only improve the quality of care, but also help the involvement of rehabilitation specialists.

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目的探讨早期康复训练对脑出血术后患者功能恢复的影响。Objective To discuss the effect of early rehabilitative treatment on functional restoration in patients after cerebral hemorrhage operation.

这位火箭中锋预计10天后返回休斯顿,继续进行康复训练。Yao, who underwent surgery last month, is expected to return to the US after treatment in China, continuing rehabilitative training in Houston.

现在两姐妹还在康复之中,她们正试着从40年的悲惨经历中走出来,在自由世界中适应新的生活。Now the women are in a rehabilitative facility, trying to cope with keeping such a nasty secret for 40 years and adapt to life in the free world.