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一个狂暴的巫术师得不到珍贵的记号。A berserker wizard gets no score for treasure.

狂暴姿态额外加成从攻击强度变为力量。Berserker Stance bonus changed from AP to Strength.

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法师令一些士兵进入狂战士般的暴躁状态。The caster forces some soldiers to enter a state of berserker fury.

狂暴姿态的设计中就部分体现了这是一个进攻性的姿态。Part of the design of Berserker Stance is that it's a reckless stance.

例如战士可以转职为勇士和狂战士。For example, fighters can be transferred for the Warrior and Berserker.

萨沙恶魔、萨沙狂暴战士、萨沙战斗堡垒已掉落正确的战利品。Sansha's Demon, Sansha's Berserker and Sansha's Battletower now drop the correct loot.

当这发生时狂战士会对身边的部队发动一次无反击的攻击。When this happen, the Berserker attacks any nearby creature without suffering retaliation.

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战斗放压制,防御放破甲,狂暴放旋风。Will cast Overpower in Battle stance, Sunder Armor in Defensive, and Whirlwind in Berserker stance.

如果在战斗中,这个宏将会确保你在狂暴姿态然后拦截。If you are in combat, this macro will make sure that you are in berserker stance, then cast intercept.

如果对方不能抵抗这个魔法,他将立刻死亡,或者变得更强壮,恢复生命并陷入狂暴。If targets fall resist the spell, they will either die or become stronger, healed and overcome by berserker rage.

有没有可能修整很多战士存在的弊病,譬如狂暴姿态,死亡之愿和现在的泰坦之握?。Any chance to shave off the drawbacks on Warrior abilities like Berserker Stance and Death Wish and now Titan's Grip?

在大灾变中,我们可以保证战斗姿态和狂暴姿态都可以合适的减少威胁值的制造。In that environment, we can make sure that Battle stance and Berserker stance alone have suitable threat reduction and leave it at that.

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接下来,把你在战斗状态用的技能防到按钮1-12里面,防御状态用的技能防到13-24里面,狂暴状态用的技能放到25-36里面。Next, put the commands you want in battle stance in buttons 1-12, defensive stance in buttons 13-24 and berserker stance in buttons 25-36.

狂暴姿态使得战士能造成更多的致命打击,但同时也承受更多的伤害。最好在自己是队伍的后备坦克的时候使用。Berserker Stance allows for more critical strikes but the Warrior takes more damage. This is best used when the Warrior is a secondary tank in a party.