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报复型正义要求以眼还眼,以牙还牙。Retributive justice demands an eye for an eye.

报应刑隐含着三个价值悖论。Retributive punishment implies three value paradoxes.

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但在主要的逊尼派地区却是感到一种严酷的报应的情绪。But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas.

在刑法观上,他不同意关于惩罚的正义性观点。His conception of the criminal law turned on the idea of retributive justice.

报复理论也正是在此期间产生的。It was during this period when the Retributive Theory of punishment came along.

宗教的精髓,就是生命轮回、因果报应、灵魂不死。The essence of religion is life transmigration, retributive justice and undying of soul.

支配传统刑事司法的刑事政策是报应性和惩罚性的。The criminal policy governing the traditional justice against the criminal offence is retributive and punitive.

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基于对传统报应刑罚观的反思,现代刑事政策发生了某些转向。After rethinking the traditional idea of retributive punishment, modern criminal policies have made some turnings.

恢复性司法作为一种新的纠纷解决模式,与传统的报应性司法截然不同。As a new model of dispute resolution, restorative justice is quite different from the traditional retributive justice.

研究目的在于透过「秦桧」这一具体对象,探究因果报应的文化内涵。The research goal lies in penetrates "Qin Kuai" this concrete object, the inquisition retributive justice's cultural connotation.

也许之间的界限模糊了现实和历史,我们可以超越报复性拖我们的幻想变成现实。Perhaps by blurring the lines between the realistic and the historical, we can go beyond retributive dragging our fantasies into realism.

刑法目的是一个古老的命题,人们一直以来仅局限于报应主义和预防主义之争。The end of punishment is an ancient topic which is limited in the doctrine of retributive punishment and the prevention of crimes doctrine.

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与传统的报应性司法相比,恢复性司法是一种通过恢复性程序实现恢复性结果的犯罪处理方法。Compared to the retributive justice, restorative justice is a criminal treatment which achieves the restorative effect adopting the restorative procedure.

恢复性司法理念的萌生,主要缘于对传统报复性司法中被害人处境的反思。Reflecting on the scrape of the victims from the perspective of the retributive justice was the accelerating agent of the naissance of restorative justice.

作为政治目标的平等和共同繁荣,从老子到康有为在政治思想方面已经形成了分配和报偿正义的基础。Equality and common flourishing as the goal of politics have formed the basis of distributive and retributive justice in political thought from Laozi to Kang Youwei.

对黑格尔所处社会和黑格尔的经历、知识背景、社会地位等方面进行考察,为更好的理解其刑罚本质理论打下基础。By observing and studying the society that Hegel lived in and Hegel's experience, knowledge, status, etc, the readers can understand Hegel's legal retributive punishment better.

中国传统的善恶报应观与佛教的因果报应说即有相似处又有明显的差别。At the same time, conflict and fusion between the Buddhist comeuppance theory and the traditional retributive view in China are analyzed when Buddhism was prosperous in Tang and Song.

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黑格尔作为刑事古典学派的代表人物,他的报应刑理论对后世的刑罚本质理论产生了深远的影响。As the representative of the school of thought that favors classical criminology, Hegel's theory of retributive punishment has a profound influence on posterity's theory of penal essence.

几周前,班加西议会的成员曾表示过非暴力运动“白色”革命的想法,现在看来这中想法很天真。Members of the council had spoken in past weeks about their desire for a bloodless, “white” revolution, without a wave of retributive arrests or executions. Such notions now seemed naïve.

以暴制暴将会增加恐怖主义进一步发展的风险,而且它还可能提升恐怖组织动用核武器、化学武器及生物武器的风险。Retributive violence would add to the risk of further terrorism, and it may also add to the risk of escalation to the use of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons by a terrorist group.