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原来的计划几乎一点残迹也未留下。Of the original scheme hardly a wrack remains.

这城市的残骸,仍因火灾还是热的。The wrack of the city was still hot from the fire.

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他们在一场严重的电车事故中受伤。They've been in a very terrible trolley car wrack.

漂积海草在阳光下腐烂,开始变臭了。The wrack had begun to stink as it rotted in the sun.

她绞尽脑汁在想解决这个复杂问题。She wrack her brains to solve that complicated problem.

那农夫搬走之后,谷仓就废弃了。The barn went to wrack and ruin after the farmer moved.

罗西手里拿着一缕与她身高一样长的墨角藻。Rosie is holding up a strand of bladder wrack as long as her whole body.

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周期性的危机破坏着资本主义制度,这种危机的规模在扩大,时间在延长。Periodic crises wrack the capitalist system, and they grow in size and duration.

死亡本能派生出攻击、被坏、战争等一切毁灭行为。Death instinct generates attack, destroy, war, and other wrack and ruin behavior.

水下爆破沉船清理航道是一种快速、有效、经济的手段。Using underwater blasting to demolish the wrack in the waterway is a rapid, effective and economical means.

水下爆破清理航道沉船是一种快速、有效、经济的手段。The use of underwater blasting to demolish the wrack in a waterway is a rapid, effective and economical means.

开发一种系统的交叉销售方式能用相对低的费用和努力带来额外的收入。Marketers wrack their brains and develop expensive advertising campaigns solely designed to get prospects to focus on their offers.

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突然,那些被遗忘的场景浮现在我脑海中“金银财宝,石沉大海”,然后我开始感觉,回想,最终回归自我。Then long-forgotten things like "sunken wrack and sumless treasuries, "burst upon my eager sight, and I begin to feel, think, and be myself again.

此刻,诸如“轮船沉没,金银财宝石沉大海”之类被人遗忘之事,浮现在我脑海中,我回味,冥想,又回归自我。Then long-forgotten things like "sunken wrack and sumless treasuries, " burst upon my eager sight, and I begin to feel, think, and be myself again.

不顾一切发展经济的后果是人类赖以生存、经济赖以持续发展的资源的耗竭和环境的恶化。The consequence of desperation to develop is exhaustion of resources and deterioration of environment which lead the mankind to wrack and ruin and lead the economy to back up.