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最胖的先来,还有比这更糟是事情吗?Fattest and first, could anything be worse?

墨西哥曼努埃尔·乌�韦是世界上最重的男人。Manuel Uribe, the Fattest Man in the World.

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那只黑猪是它们中最肥的一只。That black pig is the fattest one among them.

谁是你们班最胖的女生?Who is the fattest gril student in your class ?

是的。而且我是我们三个当中最胖最重的。Yes. And I am the fattest and weightiest of us three.

小猴子得了奖,他说把最胖的两个人推下去。Little monkey won the prize. He said push the fattest two out.

这是另一个世界上最胖人生活的长篇记录。Another special chronicled the life of the fattest man in the world.

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小时候,我总是班上最胖的小孩因为我超爱"奇多"香脆棒的,天啊,真是美味!And also, as a child, I was the fattest kid in class, so I used to love Cheetos.

来自埃及的伊曼-阿哈莫德-阿卜杜拉蒂伊被认为是当今世界上最胖的女人。An Egyptian woman weighing half a tonne is thought to be the fattest woman alive.

她是体型最胖的羊,经常以身体作为武器对付灰太狼。She is the fattest sheep, and she often uses her body as a weapon against Big Big Wolf.

禾花鱼最肥最鲜嫩,是鱼类中的是品。The standing grain flower fish is fattest freshly and tenderly, what is in the fish is.

大佬中的大佬永远生活在“正面我赢,反面你输”的环境中。The fattest of the fat cats live in a perpetual heads-I-win, tails-you-lose environment.

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用你最粗的笔把它划掉,再用氢原子代替它。Take the fattest marking pen you have, scratch that out and replace it with atomic hydrogen.

最高的利润将由那些能向多重市场推出重新包装的节目的人创造。And the fattest profits will be made by those who can repackage content for multiple markets.

美国政府的一项最新调查显示,美国南部再次成全国最肥胖的地区。The South tips the scales again as the nation's fattest region, according to a new government survey.

神的怒气,就向他们上腾,杀了他们内中的肥壮人。打倒以色列的少年人。The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen men of Israel.

从全世界范围来看,英国男性是192个国家中排名21的肥胖群体,而英国女性排名51,情况更乐观。Globally, British men are the 21st fattest of 192 countries while our women fare much better, at the 51st fattest.

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我们也会看到已婚妇女的竞争,她们将生产市场上最肥胖的婴儿。We should see an honest emulation among the married women, which of them could bring the fattest child to the market.

同时,这个国家是欧洲胖子最多的国家之列,“沙发土豆”们的数量也继续增长。Meanwhile, in a country that is among the fattest in Europe, the number of couch potatoes apparently continues to grow.

几代人连续食用高能量的食物导致密西西比拥有美国最肥胖的儿童。Generations of eating calorie-laden foods have lead to Mississippi's designation as having the fattest kids in the nation.