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但精力耗尽是件坏事么?But is burnout a bad thing?

工作倦怠不再是个可笑的问题了。Work burnout is no laughing matter.

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有时候,怠惰可能是一个幻觉。Sometimes burnout can be an illusion.

怠惰,与别的阻碍一样。Burnout is an obstacle like any other.

要认识到自己陷入了怠惰状态,这很难。It’s hard to spot burnout from the inside.

下面是7步避免劳累过度的重要步骤。Below are 7 essential steps to avoid burnout.

另外一个留给Jumo的问题就是社交网站已经泛滥了。Another issue for Jumo is social network burnout.

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我们可以让他们休息一下并帮助他们避免精力枯竭。We can give them a break, and help them avoid burnout.

有时候,要解决怠惰的问题,就是要依靠撑下去的力量。Sometimes the solution for burnout is just to power through it.

劳累过度的最大原因之一就是缺乏合适的计划。One of the biggest reasons for burnout is lack of proper planning.

第二。工作倦怠感在未婚与已婚员工之间的差异不显著。But the job burnout is significantly different among the time of work.

如果没有安排好增加的课时,也会让老师精疲力竭。Extended hours, if not done right, could also lead to teacher burnout.

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强大的动机可以帮助你挺过低迷和筋疲力尽的时期。Strong motivation will help you survive slowdowns and periods of burnout.

教师的角色冲突是影响教师职业倦怠的重要因素之一。Teacher role conflict is one of the influence factors of teacher burnout.

第四部分,初中生物教师职业倦怠负面影响的三维度分析。Forth part, the Side- effect of"burnout"in middle school biology teachers.

职业倦怠这一概念最早在1974年由美国人费登伯格提出。The notion of occupational burnout was advocated by Freudenberger in 1974.

长期承受这样的压力只会使你崩溃或者是承受太大的压力。Long periods of that kind of pressure will only result in burnout and stress.

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员工工作倦怠问题的研究对组织来说具有重大的意义。The process of solving employees'job burnout is significant to an organization.

通过试验考察了添加轻烧菱镁石对煤粉燃烧率的影响。The effect of light burned magnesite on the coal burnout ratio was investigated.

波澜一层层蔓延开来,腕就那样倦怠地枕着额头。Waves spread a layer, the wrist on the ground looked on his forehead as burnout.