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这是一本不可多得的珍本。It's a rare book.

我想有一份半熟的牛排。I'll have mine rare.

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我不要半生不熟的牛排。I want my steak rare.

这种情况并不鲜见。The case is not rare.

你可是个稀客。You are a rare visitor.

煤正在成为一种稀缺商品。Coal is becoming a rare.

鸟是鸱鸮,非常少见。This is a rare strigidae.

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我喜欢三分熟的牛。I like my cow Medium Rare.

佝偻病现在很少见了。Rickets is quite rare now.

这样的机会难得。Chances like that are rare.

难得看到她面带笑容。It’s rare to see her smile.

少见的星相都很重要哦!Rare aspects are important!

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你知道那有多稀罕么?Do you know how rare that is?

我想这个是嫩肉丁。I guess it's diced rare meat.

机会难得。快去吧。It's a rare chance. Go ahead.

毁容的手现在已经很罕见。Disfigured hands are now rare.

不希罕华丽的大厦。Not rare magnificent building.

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像密尔顿这样的诗人是罕见的。Such poets as Milton are rare.

这天鹅虽然也是珍禽。Sure, the swan is a rare bird.

那个木雕非常珍贵。That wood carving is very rare.