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我是一个以鹰狩猎者8年。I have been a falconer for 8 years.

他很喜欢他们,并且他命令最好的驯鹰师去训练他们飞翔。He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly.

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比如在圣芭芭拉,只要有一个养鹰人就会防止讨厌的海鸥侵扰“四季酒店”的游泳池。A falconer in SantaBarbara, for instance, keeps pesky seagulls from invading the FourSeasons' pool.

他从未见过这么漂亮的猛禽,于是便把它们交给自己的首席驯鹰人进行训练。He had never seen such beautiful falcons before, so he gave them to his chief falconer for training.

这种方法的缺点是,它可能需要更长的时间,需要更大的耐心。The disadvantage of this method is that it can take much longer and can take more patience on the part of a falconer.

国王收到了两只威武的猎鹰。他从未见过这么漂亮的猛禽,于是便把它们交给自己的首席驯鹰人进行训练。The King got two mighty falcons. He had never seen such beautiful falcons before, so he gave them to his chief falconer for training.

上周,英国上议院投票反对前大法官福尔克纳放宽安乐死法律的提案。Last week, the House of Lords voted against an attempt by the former Lord chancellor Lord Falconer to relax the law on assisted suicide.

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在裕廊飞禽公园学习担任养猎鹰者和照顾猛禽,或在一群粉红火鹤旁享用丰盛的早餐!Learn how to be a falconer and handle birds of prey at the Jurong BirdPark. Or have a hearty breakfast beside a flock of pink flamingoes !

如今,我们无法得知这幅画所描绘的是一场真实的海难亦或是前一年出版的诗人威廉•福克纳的诗中所描述的那场灾难。Now we don't know whether Turner actually was referring into a real shipwreck or into a poem that had been published a year before by William Falconer

上院议长福尔克纳和下院议长马丁先后致辞欢迎胡锦涛访问英国。Speaker of the House of Lords Lord Falconer and Speaker of the House of Commons Martin delivered speeches respectively to welcome Hu for his visit to the UK.

“我相信这只鹰错把小狗当成老鼠,因为当时它在矮树丛中”,负责这个项目的驯鹰者托马斯·考腾说。"I sincerely believe the bird mistook it for a rat because it was in the shrubbery , " said Thomas Cullen, the falconer hired to run the anti-pigeon program.

现在他明白了那副神奇的手套以及那包肉的用途,并且带上猎鹰者手套,取出食物喂起了其中一种猎鹰。He now understands the purpose of the strange looking glove and the bag of meat and sinks his hand into the falconer glove and reaches out to feed one of the birds.

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费尔康表示,更多的法院将让受害者和证人通过摄像装置向法院提供证词,或证人出庭作证时与被告人隔离。Lord Falconer will set out his plans for more crown and magistrates courts to have video links and facilities which keep victims and witnesses separate from defendants.

“我确信这只鹰是把吉娃娃看成老鼠了,因为吉娃娃是在灌木丛里”,托马斯·克伦说道,他是公园雇来开展驱鸽项目的养鹰人。"I sincerely believe the bird mistook the Chihuahua for a rat because it was in the shrubbery , " said Thomas Cullen, the falconer hired to run the anti- pigeon program.

所以全英俱乐部欣然接受了一位专业驯鹰者的帮助,他训练出来的猎鹰“芬尼根”专门负责温网期间的场地巡逻,成为一个十分有效的威慑。So the All England Club gratefully accepted the services of a full-time falconer to patrol the courts with a swooping bird of prey, named Finnegan, acting as a highly effective deterrent.