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你能不能将房间彻底打扫一遍。Could you please clean up the room throughly.

相反的,我能够完全定义出我所笃信的东西。On the contrary I can throughly define what I believe.

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壳聚糖可完全溶解于乳酸水溶液中。Chitosan could throughly dissolve in lactic acid solution.

国庆节就要到了,咱们把寝室彻底打扫一下吧。The National Day is coming, let's clean the bedroom throughly.

求你将我的罪孽洗除净尽并洁除我的罪。Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

叫属神的人得以完全、豫备行各样的善事。That the man of God may perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

本文所述为对于电网络行列式各种性质之彻底探讨。Properties of the electric network determinants are throughly investigated.

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叫属神的人得以完全,豫备行各样的善事。That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

现今都比海沙更重、所以我的言语急躁。Oh that my grief were throughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together!

试验结果充分验证了张拉整体结构的一些力学特性。The result of test throughly verified some mechanical characteristics of tensegrity systems.

抗日战争以日本的无条件投降和中国人民的彻底胜利而宣告结束。Anti-Japanese War has been ended with Japanese unconditional surrender and Chinese throughly success.

材料搅拌时,搅拌机应上下左右移动,使材料充份搅拌混合。When agitating , the mixer should move in full dull direction so that the material can be mixed throughly.

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在面试前,要彻底地刮一次胡子,修剪一下头发。Shave throughly nd trim your hairs before the interview. If possible, ask the specialist to shape your nails.

世界田坛格局彻底改变,金牌走向未变,当前世界田坛属于相对稳定的发展阶段。Though track and field of world pattern has been throughly changed, the gold medal tendency hasn't been shifted.

然而,就在举行美国公民宣誓仪式的前八天,加亚的生活因为一场爆炸,彻底颠覆。However, eight days before the American civilian vow ceremony, one explosion has throughly overturned Garye's life.

在介绍之前,配偶的家庭和教育背景已经被调查的清清楚楚。The family and educational backgrounds of the potential partner are throughly examined before introductions are made.

但有一部分澳门人却在试图维持他们中西融合的独特文化,这些文化通常在语言以及食物中体现出来。But some are trying to preserve their throughly mixed cultural identity, which often revolves around shared language and food.

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随着天然抗氧化剂需求的增加,生姜中抗氧化活性物质提取的研究日益深入。With the increase of demand of natural antioxidant, research on antioxidative acitivity substances from ginger was done throughly.

在使用您首选的伊索配方彻底清洁后,涂上薄薄的,甚至一层面膜在您的整个脸上和脖子上。After cleansing throughly with your preferred Aesop formulation, apply a thin, even layer of masque over your entire face and neck.

英国在廓尔喀侵藏战争中的卑劣表演最终导致了其对藏渗透政策的彻底破产。The British government's spiteful and malicious acts in the Gurkhas's invasion into Tibet eventually made its policy to Tibet fail throughly.