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不过我们想问问有关售后服务的情况。But we have SOme questions about aftersales Service.

请阐述对销售人员及售后服务人员的培训制度。Please describe the training system for the sales and aftersales service employees.

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严格的品管控制与亲切的销受服务为我们的承诺。Trict quality control and friendly aftersales service are our commitments to customer.

每一市场的售后潜力有多大?我应该在哪儿建立单一的售后服务站?What is the Aftersales potential per market and where do I need separate service dealers?

相信您公司在取得代理权后,仍会继续注重合格售后服务人员的训练。The sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified aftersales staff.

我们遍布全球的售后服务活动通过一个名为“霍尔塞特服务”的特别分部负责。Our worldwide aftersales activities are operated through a separate division known as Holset Service.

高彩家具展望未来,将一如既往地提供优质的产品和完善的售后跟踪服务。Gaocai prospects the future, will supply high quality products and perfect aftersales service at all times.

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海利莱船舶提供一个完备的售后服务,从零部件的提供到检测、保养与维修。Elite marine provides a complete aftersales service from supply of spare parts to inspection, maintenance and repair.

以优质高新科技产品﹐合理的价格﹐诚恳地为广大用户提供最先进的设备以及一流的售后服务。Our company offers the most advanced equipments and No. 1 aftersales service with high quality products and reasonable prices.

售后服务部门不仅是汽车业一个巨大的就业来源,也是该行业最赚钱的领域之一。The aftersales sector is not only a huge source of jobs within the industry, it is also one of the most profitable parts of the motor sector.

介绍了牡丹集团开发大屏幕彩电的技术改造、产品更新、质量管理与控制以及售后服务的情况。This article elucidates the technical improvements, products improvements, quality control &-management aftersales services of wide screen colour TV.

公司中高层管理人员均经过专业培训,可达到高质、高效、高速的管理要求,保障稳定了产品质量,使公司产品得到客户和市场的公认。Meanwhile, well-trained and experienced managers and staffs make it possible to produce high-quality goods as requested and offer good aftersales service.

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本厂型号齐全、质量好、价格优、售后服务周到,深受全国各用户单位的一致好评。The models of our factory are complest, quality good, price low and aftersales services considerate producing unanimous favorable comments from the various users all over the country.

协助置业顾问,做出市场的分析和调查,帮助客人在最短的时间内找到合适的居所,并且谈判,促成交易,同时跟踪客人的售后事宜。Assistant the property consultant to make the marketing survey, analyse , help them in the short time to find the satisfied place, and negotiation, signature and follow up aftersales issue.

第六部分是根据差异化战略制定LM中国公司在产品、渠道、售后、促销手段和定价等方面的具体策略。In the last chapter, some practical and effective tactics are provided compliant to the differentiation strategy. The marketing tools can be classified into products, channel, aftersales and pricing.