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与兄弟姐妹的关系会受到考验。Relations with siblings might be testy.

那里的局势显然是紧张的。Obviously, it is a testy situation there.

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而它与邻国的紧张关系也未能促进国内团结。Testy relations with its neighbours do not help.

总有些时候,还是让皮尔普斯一家很恼火。Still, for the Peeples family, there have been some testy moments.

在瑟波纳克高尔夫俱乐部第五次成为意味着暴躁小四杆洞的时候,那种意气风发的地位了。The fifth at Sebonak becomes a mean testy little par four the moment . e gets out of position.

在瑟波纳克高尔夫俱乐部第五次成为意味着暴躁小四杆洞的时候,那种意气风发的地位了。The fifth at Sebonack becomes a mean testy little par four the moment one gets out of position.

她保证,将通过关注安全问题而为两国剑拔弩张的关系翻开“新的一页”。She promised to turn a "new page" in the testy relationship by broadening its focus beyond security issues.

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当被问及投资诀窍时他就变得暴躁起来,而且他还禁止投资者与其讨论他们之间的商谈。He grew testy when quizzed about his methods and forbade investors from discussing their conversations with him.

以卡梅伦为首的保守党来对议会周一就英国是否推出欧盟投票表决一事表现的有些急躁仓促。The vote in parliament on Monday will be a testy encounter with his own party on Britain's membership of the EU.

这句气话让许多选民们大吃一惊,因为作为领导人的福田向来是喜怒不形于色。The flash of anger took many voters by surprise because Fukuda had kept his testy temperament under wraps as leader.

但他的一些年轻人回来的时候,就想Rivlin已经正点的烤羊肉和足够时,都必倒在以色列的他的好感。But some of his younger people came away thinking Rivlin had been testy and uncooperative enough to fall out of his favor.

在我看来,非常明显地,尽管他对于尿尿的管理方面是很严格,但是他从来没有制止我们在的靴子上尿尿。It seemed to me significant that in spite of his testy observation on the subject of urine, he never put a stop to our habit of pissing on our boots.

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这分寸确实很难把握,因为我常常觉得恋爱对我有负面的影响,因为要强迫自己屈从于本不该属于你的关系。These are testy waters I must say because so many times I've found relationships to be negative influences as far as bending yourself in ways you shouldn't.

我看不出来这里提到的言辞真的有多么极端,但是很明显,给中国人的印象的确是没有转弯抹角甚至是不耐烦的。I can't see that the remark as reported here is actually all that extreme, but apparently it does come across as quite blunt and even a little testy in Chinese.

本月早些时候,盖特纳坐在他宽敞的财政部俯瞰白宫,思索着美中双方时而不稳定的关系。Timothy Geithner was sitting in his spacious Treasury Department office overlooking the White House earlier this month, mulling the U.S.'s sometimes testy relationship with China.

第三次也是最后一次美国总统候选人辩论会星期三晚上举行。两位侯选人围绕下滑的美国经济进行了激烈的交锋,双方还就对方的竞选方式相互指责。The third and final American presidential debate produced heated discussion of the slumping U. S. economy and some testy exchanges about the conduct of the candidates' two campaigns.

霍华德.特曼说,斯莱特只不过是巧妙地处理了一个容易引起争端的情况,事实上,是一个不具名的乘客在飞机降落之后就对他言语攻击,才会触怒斯莱特与她争锋相对。He said his client was simply trying to defuse a testy situation when a passenger, who has not been identified, started giving him hell after the plane landed. And that sparked Slater’s tirade.

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1991年弗州布拉登顿的春季训练中,凶神恶煞的邦兹因为摄影记者拍照片而训斥海盗队的一位工作人员,接着又对比尔·维登,一位指导员大发雷霆。In spring training of 1991 in Bradenton, Fla., the nasty Bonds scolded a Pirates official because photographers were taking pictures of him, and then he became testy with Bill Virdon, an instructor.

1991年弗州布拉登顿的春季训练中,凶神恶煞的邦兹因为摄影记者拍照片而训斥海盗队的一位工作人员,接着又对比尔·维登,一位指导员大发雷霆。In spring training of 1991 in Bradenton, Fla. , the nasty Bonds scolded a Pirates official because photographers were taking pictures of him, and then he became testy with Bill Virdon, an instructor.

当他被问到‘为什么等了三天他才大声疾呼表示反对AIG的奖金计划’的时候,你知道,他昨晚有点儿不高兴,奥巴马总统说,他喜欢在说话之前知道自己要说的是什么。He got a little testy there, you know. When he was asked why he waited three days to speak out against the AIG bonuses, President Obama said he likes to know what he's talking about before he speaks.