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什么是医疗语音,语言病理学家?。What Is a Medical Speech-Language Pathologist?

由警察病理学家进行验尸.The post mortem was carried out or was conducted by the police pathologist.

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病理科医生只需要注明有或无炎症就行了。A pathologist should only comment upon the presence or absence of inflammation.

由具备相应资格的病理学专家根据测试结果编写测试报告。A qualified pathologist writes a test report based on the prepared test results.

那位语言病理学家坚称,“他总有一天会学会说话的,”但在我的心里,我已经放弃了希望。"He will talk," the speech pathologist insisted, but inside, I had given up hope.

由于这个输尿管憩室有完整的肌肉层存在,因盘属于一真性输连管憩室。Because of the presence of a muscular layer, the pathologist confirmed it to be a true diverticulum.

通过病理学家的观察,即可确定是否为肺癌,以及哪种类型。By studying the sample, a pathologist can determine whether the tumor is lung cancer, and if so, what kind.

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在美国大多数州,要想成为一名言语病理学家必须获得语言语音病理学硕士学位。In most states one must have a master's degree in speech-language pathology to work as a speech pathologist.

如果一位牙医发现可能带来伤害,卡恩博士建议接下来就去找口腔医学家确认。If a dentist finds a suspicious lesion, Dr. Kahn recommends referral to an oral pathologist as the next step.

沃尔特里德陆军医疗中心的语言病理学家使用文本到话语的应用,让病人发声。A speech pathologist at Walter Reed Army Medical Center uses text-to-speech applications to give patients a voice.

作为一个病理学者和前肉类检查员,我相信我的同事们对竞技秀中的牛所受的可怕的伤害的报告。As a pathologist and former meat inspector, I believe my colleagues when they report horrendous injuries to rodeo cattle.

我们需要有儿科病理知识的病理学者来解释这个病例。If CD31 stains vessels, that is what we expected. We need a pathologist with pediatric pathology background to explain this case.

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成为语音语言病理学家在收到完成涉及该领域的硕士学位九个月的奖学金。Becoming a speech language pathologist involves completing a nine-month fellowship after receiving a master's degree in the field.

病理学家依据组织学确诊胚胎滋养层疾病。The pathologist determines the histologic diagnosis of the trophoblastic disease, most importantly, if choriocarcinoma is present.

和萨马德里一起蓄着整齐胡须的人是一名当地的病理学家维格,大家都知道他是冰人的“家庭医生”。With Samadelli was a local pathologist with a trim mustache named Eduard Egarter Vigl, known informally as the Iceman's "family doctor."

艾伦·陈是香港中文大学的一位与此项研究不相关的化学病理师,他说这些发现非常重要。Allen Chan, a chemical pathologist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong not connected to the study, said the findings were significant.

尽管如此,来自于阿根廷的病原学家仍然在掘出的尸体中检测出有毒的甘油。Nonetheless, an Argentine pathologist who has studied diethylene glycol poisonings helped deelop a test for the poison in exhumed bodies.

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尽管如此,来自于阿根廷的病原学家仍然在掘出的尸体中检测出有毒的甘油。Nonetheless, an Argentine pathologist who has studied diethylene glycol poisonings helped develop a test for the poison in exhumed bodies.

安德鲁.贝克是一位受过训练的病理学家,也是C颈论文的作者,这项转变促使他寻求生物工程学的研究型训练。That transition enticed Andrew Beck, a trained pathologist and an author on the C-Path paper, to seek out graduate training in bioinformatics.

尽管扫描看起来很有前景,但这些公司需要表现的是,他们扫描得到的图像得要和病理学家通过开颅看到的一样。Although the scans looked promising, the companies needed to show that what they revealed was the same as what a pathologist would see on autopsy.