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禁忌语的产生有着明显的历史和社会根源。Taboo words can be analyzed historically and sociologically.

他们在文化上、社交上、性倾向上、政治上都是不同的。The group was as culturally, sociologically , sexually, and politically diverse as you could assemble.

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因而种族隔离不仅在政治上、经济上、社会学意义上是荒谬的,而且在道德上也是错误和有罪的。So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful.

在上世纪60到70年代之间的美国社会,行为主义极为盛行,斯金纳也得以名声大噪。And sociologically in the 1960s and 1970s, in the United States, behaviorism was incredibly well known and so was Skinner.

所以我倾向于用“罗马家户“,因为这样说,我们讨论这一问题时,更有社会学意义。So I'll tend to talk about "the Roman household," because that's what's more meaningful sociologically when we talk about this.

对科学课程进行社会学意义上的分析是课程与教学论研究领域中的一个富有挑战性的课题。Sociologically Analyzing on science curriculum is a challengeable task in the research field of curriculum and teaching theory.

亚里士多德清楚地指明,不像哲学家,前者继承了一定程度的财富,主要是地产,但其生活模式。Sociologically unlike the philosopher is a person of some inherited wealth chiefly landed property but whose way of life will be urban.

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而且如果那一研究领域要想变得更加具有社会学的含义的话,这样的一种理论将必然指导社会机器人技术。And it is such a theory that will have to guide social robotics in the future if that field intends to become more sociologically robust.

相反,技术统治论者认为社会因素在客观的风险评估中的作用在社会学上来说是不清楚的。Technocratic contentions to the contrary, the argument that social factors are irrelevant to the objective assessment of risk is sociologically uninformed.

在社会学层面上,还是认为公众对政治问题的判断过程和能力,与单纯的政治理性有相似处。Sociologically speaking, it is assumed that the public judgment processes and abilities of political issues bear a resemblance to simple political rationality.

因而种族隔离不仅在政治上、经济上、社会学意义上是荒谬的,而且在道德上也是错误和有罪的。So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul Tillich has said that sin is separation.

如何理解“教育理论脱离实践”,如何对“教育理论脱离实践”进行转向背后的社会学分析,这是值得关注的一个问题。How to understand "educational theory breaks away from practice" and how to analyze "educational theory breaks away from practice" sociologically are matters that this text pays close attention to.

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本文通过杭州市某社区居民吸烟状况的调查,从社会角度考察城市烟民的主要文化特征,探讨相应的群体控烟对策。In order to improve community countermeasures of the cigarette smoking, we surveyed sociologically the smoking situation and the main features of adult smokers among some residents in Hangzhou city.

本文从社会学角度论述了人际关系的重要性,并就人际关系中存在的问题、作法等方面论述了促进人际关系的方法、原则。In this paper, the importance of personal relations is sociologically expounded, tother with methods and principles of promoting personal relations concerning problems and ways in personal relations.