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北方森林是横贯大陆的。The boreal forest is transcontinental.

事实上,主要的温带和北部森林的面积都在扩大。In fact all major temperate and boreal forests are expanding.

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北欧时尚之都,时尚珠宝之星手链。Of boreal Europe vogue, the astral hand catenary of fashionable gem.

IOD对北半球夏季季节内振荡强度存在显著影响。The IOD has significant influences on the MJO intensity in boreal summer.

目前他正在设计并测试可以在极区冻原和寒带树林使用的暖化装置。Currently he is designing and testing warming technology for Arctic tundra and boreal forests.

武昌水果湖和中北路附近哪里有浦发银行?Lake of fierce prosperous fruit and in where is there riverside to send a bank near boreal road?

北部森林需要火来维持生态系统,所以夏季经常发生森林大火。The boreal forest needs fire to maintain the ecosystem, and large fires happen regularly in the summer.

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北方针叶林地处北半球中高纬度地区,增温剧烈,是受气候变化影响最显著的地区之一。Boreal forest lies in middle-high latitude of the northern hemisphere, where temperature increases strongly.

世界森林生态系统包括热带、亚热带、温带森林,北方针叶林以及其他有林地。World Forest Ecosystem includes tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal forests as well as other woodland.

而现在其网店的折扣与北发网保持一致,地面店是否会受影响?And the discount of its net inn and boreal hairnet keep consistent now, whether can ground inn suffer an effect?

上述这种破坏的普遍程度已经比大多数气候模型的预测结果要更加严重,而其中,针叶林带受到的打击尤为明显。Such damage is already more common than most climate models had predicted, with the boreal belt especially hard hit.

研究范围涵盖动物相和植物相,以寒冷海域和北部生物为主。Research projects involve a wide diversity of fauna and flora, with an emphasis on cold ocean and boreal environments.

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亚洲季风区是全球热力变化最为显著的区域,亚洲夏季风活动必定会对其它环流系统产生影响。During boreal summer, the Asian monsoon region experiences most remarkable changes in the atmospheric thermal condition.

到了北碚打车到广捷居的学生公寓,股城网的杨云已经到了。Arrived the student apartment that boreal Bei takes a taxi to be resided to An Jie, the Yang Yun of city net had arrived.

未来的全球温度上升将会威胁到加拿大的北方森林和它多样化的野生物种。For the rest of the century, rising temperatures are expected to threaten Canada’s boreal forest and its diverse wildlife.

随着北京、上海、广州、重庆的各个高楼大厦耸立起来,广袤的西伯利亚北方森林正在被夷为平地。As buildings go up in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing, the vast Taiga boreal forests of Siberia are being flattened.

广西沿海地处北热带,光热水资源丰富,具有发展林业的良好条件。Guangxi is located in boreal tropics littoral, smooth hot water is resourceful, have the good condition that develops forestry.

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Carroll还说,尽管扩散到东海岸还需要一些时间,但甲虫通过北部针叶林带的扩散本身就会产生一些问题。Even if it takes a while to make it to the East Coast, the beetle's spread through the boreal forest can cause its own problems.

短叶松穿过了加拿大北部针叶林带,并一路延伸到东海岸,直到美国。Jack pines cross the boreal forest of northern Canada, stretching all the way to the East Coast and down into the United States.

一株常青植物在北极圈的北方针叶林中独树一帜,隐现在被北极光染成翠绿色的天空下。A leggy evergreen looms over a stretch of Arctic boreal forest as light from the aurora borealis paints the night sky emerald green.