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赫斯脱先生惊奇地朝她望了一下。Hurst looked at her with astonishment.

她惊讶地扑闪着她那两只大眼睛。Her big eyes blinked with astonishment.

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这话使他们惊愕不已。They heard the words with astonishment.

赫斯脱先生惊奇地朝她望了一下。Mr. Hurst looked at her with astonishment.

德?克雷上校压抑着他的惊奇。Colonel De Graye controlled his astonishment.

那步哨愕然地举起双手。The sentry held up his hands in astonishment.

她面带真诚的惊讶看着他说。She looked at him with unfeigned astonishment.

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那公证人惊异地望着伯爵。The notary looked at the count with astonishment.

我说你猜对了,然后盖茨目瞪口呆的盯着我。I said yes. Then Gate stared at me with astonishment.

我对她的奇怪举动不胜惊异。I was filled with astonishment at her strange action.

杰西卡问道,声音里透着近乎无礼的惊讶。Jessica asked with insulting astonishment in her voice.

他看见尸体时惊恐万状。He was filled with astonishment at seeing the dead body.

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巴比伦在列国中何竟变为荒场。how is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations!

邻桌那些人惊讶地看着她。People at adjoining tables looked at her in astonishment.

由于惊喜交集,她几乎说不出一句话。Between astonishment and joy, she could hardly say a word.

他原想女售货员会惊奇地望着他,不知所措,没料到这回该轮到他自己吃惊了。He expected the girl to look at him in blank astonishment.

惊喜交集,她几乎说不出话来。Between astonishment and joy , she could hardly say a word.

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我把消息告诉她之后,她惊骇得睁大了眼睛盯着我。After I told her the news, she stared at me in astonishment.

杜洛埃吃惊地听她说话,感到她的话里有点新东西。Drouet listened to her in astonishment. This was something new.

斯威夫勒先生惊异得张开了嘴。Mr. Swiveller looked, as he was, all open mouthed astonishment.