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他是个声名显赫的政治家。He is a statesman of great eminence.

我想当一个水管工,主教大人。I am at your service, Your Eminence.

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贝弗里奇是个非常有名的人。Beveridge was a man of great eminence.

因为我爸爸是一个水管工,主教大人。Cause my dad is a plumber, Your Eminence.

我想当一个水管工,主教大人。I think I'd like to be a plumber, Your Eminence.

请上座原谅我粗率的回答。May your eminence forgive me for this crude answer.

因为我爸爸是一个水管工,主教大人。You've taught me a lot about religion, Your Eminence.

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无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence.

这些飞行员中很多人将会在航空界声名显赫。Many of the pilots were to achieve eminence in the aeronautical world.

X线片示胫骨髁间隆突撕脱骨折移位。The X-ray lms showed the tibial intercondylar eminence displaced fracture.

有这么大影响的人,未必一定会获得鼎鼎大名。The man who achieved this influence was an unlikely candidate for such eminence.

过了一段时间之后,他更深入密林,到了一个高丘地带。Time was flying. He plunged deeper into the woods and came to a sort of eminence.

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据我所知,早晨躺在床上睡懒觉的人鲜少能取得成功或卓越的成就。I never knew a man come to greatness or eminence who lay abed late in the morning.

事实上,这次开幕庆典更像众多朋友和名家的一次大聚会。This inauguration is indeed an occasion of grand gathering of dear friends and eminence.

他表现得很谦恭,很适合一个年轻人在向法努其这样显赫的人说话时应有的礼貌。It was courteous, as befitted a young man speaking to an older man of Fanucci's eminence.

现在他无病呻吟的盛名却使他成了吸引她浓厚兴趣的目标。But his eminence as a valetudinarian now made him an object of engrossing interest, and Mrs.

人类一切文化和精神的卓越成就都是以资本积累为其前提条件的。All the cultural and spiritual eminence of man is conditioned by the accumulation of capital.

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接著由一向被人视为蓝营大内高手的宋博士出来说话。Then appeared Dr. James Soong, generally considered the eminence grise of Taiwan's "Blue" movement.

一个老龄化的美国相信可以帮助一些评论家确定美国走向下坡。This “graying of America” has helped convince some commentators of the nation’s declining eminence.

信贷扩张主义者认为的金本位的缺陷事实正是金本位的卓越和实用之处。What the expansionists call the defects of the gold standard are indeed its very eminence and usefulness.