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他们都是勤勤恳恳的人。They were conscientious men.

品格高尚的人是很有良心的。The man of character is conscientious.

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他们非常周全地照顾着我。They were incredibly conscientious about me.

应就教于智者和诚恳的人。Take counsel with a wise and conscientious man.

弗莱彻的风格也是类似,踢得兢兢业业。Fletcher is a similarly conscientious character.

据我所知,他是一个很负责任的人。He is a quite conscientious man so far as I know.

这篇论文是精雕细刻的工作。This essay is a most conscientious piece of work.

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认真作好出版工作。Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing.

他在训练中一直都十分刻苦。He is a very conscientious hard-worker in training.

认真做好出版工作。Be conscientious and make a good job of publication.

他是个勤谨人,整天闲不住。He is conscientious and diligent, and is never idle.

她办事认真,从不敷衍了事。She is very conscientious and never skimps her work.

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从这一点我揣想他工作是很负责的。From that I gather that he is a conscientious worker.

如果传下去,他无法向子孙后代交代。If pass down, he can not conscientious to descendants.

我们必须承认它是一名非比寻常有良心的园丁。We must grant that it's a conscientious gardener so much.

脚步也不自觉的轻快了许多。Also the not conscientious one is much brisker in the step.

尽管人们证明他是一个认真尽责的帮手。It turns out, though, that he was a conscientious helpmate.

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她办事认真,从不敷衍了事。She is very conscientious and never skimps through her work.

老师们都是饱学的,教书认真。The teachers are learned and conscientious in their teachings.

妇女格外谨慎,责任心也强,不会像狂人一样开飞车。They are too conscientious and responsible to drive like manias.