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草都干了,东一片西一片的。The grass was dry and patchy.

我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。My knowledge of science is patchy.

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我必须承认我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。I must admit that my knowledge of science is patchy.

外围群落生境是相当小的并呈斑点状。Peripheral biotopes are relatively small, and patchy.

这辆马车是由一组四匹白马拉的。A horse with patchy markings of white and another color.

接近周末时又会出现些许阳光。And a slight chance of patchy sunshine later in the week.

叶背面具一不规则的不连续的毛被。Abaxial leaf surface with a patchy discontinuous indumentum.

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公共服务虽则不够完善但已在改进,基础设施也是如此。Public services are patchy but improving, as is infrastructure.

目前的治疗方法包括局部皮肤外用类固醇激素和光疗。Current treatments include steroids applied to patchy skin and phototherapy.

尽管海外营私舞弊法案于1977年通过,但是直到最近其实施道路可谓历尽坎坷。Although the FCPA was enacted in 1977, enforcement was patchy until recently.

东南亚现存的铁路老旧失修、七拼八凑并且资金供应不足。South-East Asia's existing network of railways is creaking, patchy and underfunded.

东南亚现存的铁路网残破不堪又断断续续,而且资金不足。South-East Asia’s existing network of railways is creaking, patchy and underfunded.

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在近头侧层面,可见斑片状实变和毛玻璃样影。At a more cephalad level, patchy consolidation and ground-glass opacity are visible.

如果说这个名单的人物在质量上有些良莠不齐,那么他们至少可以帮你增长心智。And if that list is a little patchy in terms of quality, that’s growing minds for you.

放大后可见支气管肺炎病灶的不规则分布。At higher magnification, the pattern of patchy distribution of a bronchopneumonia is seen.

门口的小院中央有棵老枫树,草坪秃如瘌痢头,上面满是污泥和落枝。A forlorn-looking maple tree stood in the center of a yard of patchy grass, mud, and twigs.

可见内膜有局灶性点、片状隆起,呈黄白色。There are focal pinpoint to patchy elevated yellowish white lesions on the intimal surfaces.

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半年来,自从阿拉伯人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。HALF a year since the Arabs began to shake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy.

股癣的症状是在身体腹沟处或大腿内侧出现斑状疹,伴随难以忍受的瘙痒。The symptoms include a patchy rash on the groin or inner thighs, along with the telltale itching.

发展中国家对生物技术的吸收正逐渐增加,但仍参差不齐。The uptake of biotechnologies in developing countries is increasing gradually but remains patchy.