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在电视看到他们,深深喜欢上奥拉朱旺。Saw them on TV, fell in love with Hakeem.

哈基姆-奥拉朱旺是历史上最伟大的中锋之一。Hakeem Olajuwon is one of the greatest centers of all time.

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奥拉朱旺教姚明进攻技巧视频。Former Rocket Hakeem Olajuwon coaches Yao Ming on some shooting techniques.

奥拉朱旺战胜了尤因,火箭队以4比2夺得球队第一个总冠军。Ewing over Hakeem Olajuwon, Rockets to 4 than 2 team won the first championship.

我们可以打像拥有奥拉朱旺般的比赛,因为这伙计太优秀了。We could play a game more like what we had with hakeem , because this guy is that good.

仅用了一天一堂课的时间,他向奥拉朱旺学习,提高了自己低位单打的能力。He sought out Hakeem Olajuwan and improved his post-up play with only one day tutoring session.

其中我最喜爱的篮球运动员所有的时间,中锋奥拉朱旺,成长起来的足球在非洲。One of my favorite basketball players of all time , Hakeem Olajuwon , grew up playing football in Africa.

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不同的是,阿德尔曼的疏忽给了阿泰斯特时间,多么愚蠢的错误!他在想什么啊?Adelman's failure to give Hakeem any minutes was the difference. What a stupid mistake! What was he thinking?

从火箭队前队长哈基姆·奥拉朱旺接棒后,瑶成了火箭队的新领导。There, Yao Ming became leader of the Rockets after receiving the Mandate of Heaven from previous team captain Hakeem Olajuwon.

史密斯来到了德克萨斯的休斯敦,在这里接受名人堂球员奥拉朱旺和著名球员加尔文-墨菲的指导。Smith traveled to Houston, Texas, where he worked out with futureHall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon and former NBA great CalvinMurphy.

奥拉朱旺是我记忆当中唯一一个没有明星级别的外线球员而赢得冠军的中锋,在第二个赛季,他也需要德雷克斯勒。Hakeem is the only player of memory that ' s won a championship without a star on the perimeter , and he needed drexler to win the second one.

奥拉朱旺是我影象傍边独逐一个没出名人级另外外线球员而赢患上第一位的中锋,在第二个赛季,他也需要德雷克斯勒。Hakeem is the only player of memory that's won a championshellop without a star on the perimeter, and he needed Drexler to win the second one.

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他永远不会像Hakeem那样在内线活动,但是他是三届的联盟最佳防守球员,并且在进攻中也是担起了球队大旗。He'll never move like Hakeem in the paint, but he's a three-time defensive player of the year who manages to foul out entire teams on offense.

对于当时的年纪而言,我非常高,所以我在中学时期开始打蓝球,在街区打球,模仿奥拉茱旺。I was fairly tall for my age, so when I started playing basketball in middle school, I played on the block and patterned my game after Hakeem.

纽约州众议员杰佛瑞斯正在倡议一个两党支持的提案,这个提案要求把公开持有少量大麻,从轻罪降低到犯规。Hakeem Jeffries is sponsoring a bi-partisan bill that would reduce open possession of small amounts of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a violation.

这个夏天霍华德一直和哈基姆·奥拉朱旺一起训练,并且从这个结果上看,大梦看上去做一名教练员能像他当中锋一样好。Howard worked with Hakeem Olajuwon this summer, and based on the results thus far, Dream looks like he might be as good of a coach as he was a center.

那我现在就告诉你,除非姚明能像当年的奥拉朱旺让大卫罗宾逊无地自容那样,否则火箭就将在第一轮告别整个季后赛。I ' ll tell you this right now , unless yao plays like hakeem olajawon that year he embarrassed david robinson the rockets will lose in the 1st round.

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所提供的服务哈吉姆阿卜杜勒哈米德向教育事业的穆斯林都被承认,不仅在印度,但在其他国家出现。The services rendered by Hakeem Abdul Hameed to the cause of education of Muslims have been acknowledged not only in India but in other countries too.

这对伟大中锋的夙愿始于1995年处在第六位火箭的奥拉朱旺在MVP的竞选中打败了处在第一位马刺的大卫罗宾逊。This rivalry between top centers began in 1995 when the 6th-seeded Rockets led by Hakeem Olajuwon beat the top-seeded Spurs led by MVP David Robinson.

火箭的那只冠军球队也是意图非常的明显,把球首先传给大梦,让他传造进攻机会,或者传外线投空挡3分,任何人对此都无能为力。The championship Rockets teams were VERY predicable . Dump it into Hakeem first and let him create or kick it out for an open 3. Nothing anybody could do about it.