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周围是宫殿,公园和廊柱。By palace, park, and colonnade.

并建造有柱子的廊子,长五十肘,宽三十肘。He made a colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty wide.

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我望望白宫的廊柱,望望草地,望望自己的鞋子。I looked at the Colonnade . I looked at the grass, my shoes.

这条柱廊将带你离开宫殿和游戏。This colonnade will take you out of the palace and the game.

这种亲密的餐厅围绕历史中央柱廊和30个座位。This intimate restaurant surrounds a historic central colonnade and seats 30.

希腊的住宅包括一个一般由柱廊围合的有围墙的庭院或花园…Greek houses included a walled court or garden usually surrounded by a colonnade.

进入敞蓬的“教皇之车”后,主教环柱廊而行。After entering the open "popemobile", the pontiff was riding around the colonnade.

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到布赖兹赫德工作的最后一位建筑师增添了一个桩廊和几个楼阁式的厢房。The last architect to work at Brideshead had added a colonnade and flanking pavilions.

最高层设成祖先的祠堂,那么是露天的平顶,要么是柱廊。The top ?oor houses the ancestral shrine and features an open terrace-like space or a colonnade.

广州地区特有的气候与文化,产生了“骑楼”这种建筑形式。Because of its distinctive climate and culture in Guangzhou, it forms a building type of Colonnade.

有节奏的柱列进入住宅,增强了运动的感觉。The rhythmic colonnade of the peristyle enters the house enhancing the feeling of transit movement.

他们后来在通往总统办公室的石柱廊里驻足合影。The president and president-elect later waited for cameras as they strode along the Colonnade to the Oval Office.

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主起居室设置于柱廊和庭院之间,拥有充足的自然光和通风。The main living room sits between the colonnade and the courtyard, allowing plenty of natural daylight and ventilation.

在2次世界大战中狮子喷泉遭受严重损坏,只有柱子的柱石和部分大理石碗形基座保持了下来。The Lion cascade has been seriously damaged in the course of WW2, only the socle, a part of the colonnade and some marble bowls survived.

当尼古拉二世和家人在1917年入狱,柱廊蛋被临时政府没收。Upon the abdication of Nicholas II and the imprisonment of the family in 1917, the Colonnade Egg was confiscated by the provisional government.

约翰·波德斯塔陪同我走下楼去,希拉里、切尔西和戈尔一家都等候在典礼专用的楼层,在那里,我们不久后将欢迎下一任总统。John Podesta walked with me down the colonnade to join Hillary, Chelsea, and the Gores on the state floor, where we would soon greet our successors.

梵蒂冈日报称,广场的柱廊是一种高度的艺术表现形式,喻意着大教堂对所有人的接纳。"The colonnade is a highly allegorical artistic representation of an ecumenical embrace of the universal Church to all people, " said the Vatican newspaper.

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广场的另一边,整个的泰雷西亚式商业大厅的柱廊已经完全碎裂坍塌了,成吨的废墟下面掩埋着好几十个卡巴拉商人和访客。On the far side of the plaza, the entire colonnade of a Tiresian-style commercial hall had crumbled , burying dozens of Karbarran traders and visitors under tons of debris.

在建筑物中心,两根木制柱廊间的过道光线自然,高侧采光使私人空间与公共休息空间联系到了一起。At the center of this architecture, the corridor between two wooden colonnade illuminated naturally with high-side lit connects private dormitory space and public lounge space.

北京饭店莱佛士由于其特殊的地理位置,而使这个以精致优雅闻名的酒店又多了份历史感。Raffles Beijing Hotel, previously known as Beijing Hotel, features a commanding French-inspired colonnade façade which has long stood as an icon of Beijing's historical heritage.