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“测试承担一切取使用相同的分拣技术,用于测试,”亚历山大说。The tests assume every reclaimer uses the same sortation technology that was used in the test, " Alexander said."

本设计的取料装置主要由取料杆,升降机构,平移机构,底座,液压控制系统组成。The design for the main device by Reclaimer par, body movements, translation agencies, the base, hydraulic control system.

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使斗轮机的在启动和正常的作业过程中,可以实现自动寻找煤堆,进行堆煤、取煤作业。When the bucket wheel stacker and reclaimer is starting or working, it can find the coal and stack or reclaim automatically.

其有承租、承垦者,以开始办理分配日之前一日,已依法订约承租耕地之承租人或依法核准承垦土地之承垦人为准。The tenant and reclaimer are the persons who have the contract or the approval at the time of one day before the redistributing work begins.

混匀堆取料机主要应用于长型和圆型料场中西药对物料进行预均匀化的场合。Even mixing stacker reclaimer is mainly applied in the occasion that materials required to be pre- equalized in rectangular and round material sites.

此方法已经成功应用在秦皇岛港煤二期取料机改造工作,设备已经投入正常运行,达到了预定目标。This method has been successfully applied to the coal 2 reclaimer reform work, and equipment has been put into normal operation, to achieve the target.

在历代志下26章,我们看到这王的成功故事——他重收土地,重建城邑,帅领大军,发明军事机器。In 2 Chronicles 26 we can see how this king was a success story—a reclaimer of land, rebuilder of towns, leader of a big army, inventor of military machines.

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作为消费信用回收制度的消费者破产制度将推动消费信用市场的发展,避免破产司法上的诸多冲突。As the reclaimer of consumer credit, consumer bankruptcy system will put forward the development of consumer credit market and avoid the conflicts in bankruptcy jurisdiction.

成套设备故障诊断系统对于保证斗轮机的正常运行,提高斗轮机的可靠性和可维护性具有重要意义。Fault Diagnosis System for whole set equipment has great importance in ensuring Bucket Wheel Stacker Reclaimer to run normally and improving its reliability and maintainability.

它既具有基本汉明联想存储器容量大,容错性好的优点,同时又克服了基本汉明联想存储器回收慢,硬件难以实现的缺点。It is not only advantaged on capacity and error correction as same as fundamental Hamming associative memory, but also avoids its slow reclaimer and impossible hardware implementation.

砂再生前后样本检验可鉴定再生系统的效率,再生系统必须调试至功率符合作业标准。Analyse sand sample before Reclaimer, and sand sample after Reclaimer. This is to monitor the efficiency of the Reclaimer. The Reclaimer must be calibrated to perform at manufacturer's specifications.