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对于北极狐来说,这是一个捕食的机会…For the fox, it's a chance to scavenge.

鱼和蟹搜寻腐烂的组织为食。The fish and crabs scavenge for decaying tissue.

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请您说出柴油机埽气箱着火的原因?Could you tell the main reason for scavenge fire?

请您说出柴油机扫气箱着火的原因?Could you tell the main reason for scavenge fire?

从废物堆里往往能捡到一些挺好的旧家具。You can often scavenge nice bit of old furniture from skip.

清除滤清和布料洗涤在各个周期的结束。Scavenge filtration and cloth washing at the end of each cycle.

没有发现有松鼠猎取脊椎动物,或者以肉为食。No squirrels are known to hunt vertebrates, or even scavenge meat.

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扫气箱道门打开,油渣清除并用柴油擦净。Scavenge box manhole opened, oil sludge removed out and wiped with diesel oil.

高背压的排气系统,在负载快速变化,清除火灾等。High back pressure of exhaust manifold , rapid change in load, scavenge fire and so on.

酿酒酵母BD101菌株的金属硫蛋白能清除羟基自由基。The Cu-metallothionein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae BD101 can scavenge hydroxyl radicals.

另一个是并行清除收集器,它是为在大堆上的更高吞吐能力而设计的。The other, the parallel scavenge collector, is designed for higher throughput on large heaps.

连续式使用了一个单独的GC线程,而同新式与并行扫描式都使用了多线程。Serial uses a single GC thread, whilst ParNew and Parallel Scavenge both use multiple threads.

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许多文化认为狗非常不净,因为它们会以人类的尸体为食。Many cultures consider dogs unclean precisely because of their tendency to scavenge our remains.

这款面膜含维生素C、硫辛酸和其他可清除自由基的抗氧剂。This mask includes Vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and additional antioxidants which scavenge free radicals.

在许多发展中国家,从垃圾中翻找可回收贵金属的家庭工业如雨后春笋般涌现。Cottage industries have sprung up in many developing nations to scavenge the recyclable and inside the waste.

铯遇水发生爆炸性反应,极易与氧化合,因而被用作电子管的吸气剂。It reacts explosively with cold water and is used to scavenge traces of oxygen and other gases in electron tubes.

隐囊蕨的黄酮提取液对羟自由基、超氧自由基有良好清除作用,并能有效阻断猪油的氧化。The flavonoids extract can scavenge Oxygen and Hydroxy free radicals, and can stop the oxidation of the lard effectively.

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最后,介绍了用热线探针在一台二行程直流扫气柴油机上进行的缸内流场稳态分布测量结果。Finally, the field in a cylinder of a two-stroke uniflow scavenge diesel enginemeasured by the hot-wire probe is presented.

还具有同时清除氧族和氮族自由基的双重功效及上调多种抗氧化酶活性的功能。At the same time, it can strengthen the activity of many antioxidase , and scavenge both oxygen free radicals and nitrogen free radicals.

Rautiainen说,维生素C和E、胡萝卜素、黄酮类化合物和其他能清除自由基的复合物,因此可以一直氧化应激。Rautiainen, vitamins C and E, carotenoids, flavonoids, and other such compounds scavenge free radicals, thereby inhibiting oxidative stress.