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德国陆军务虚的兴登堡线。German Army retreats to the Hindenburg Line.

战略思想对了头,兴登堡防线就准攻破啦。With the proper concepts the Hindenburg line may be breached.

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在这一天,一则令人宽慰的消息传到了兴登堡和鲁登道夫耳中。Throughout the day, much more reassuring news had reached Hindenburg and Ludendorff.

她告诉Onozuki不要开火,因为它们充满了氢气并会像兴登堡号一样爆炸。She tells Onozuki not to fire because they are full of hydrogen and will explode like the Hindenburg.

兴登堡凶兆受到如此热捧,时值市场不确定性越来越大,预测各异。The Hindenburg following comes amid growing uncertainty in the markets and widely disparate forecasts.

兴登堡和鲁登道夫都明白,现在必须迅速发起进攻。Both Hindenburg and Ludendorff understood that it was of vital importance to begin the attack immediately.

1933年1月28日,星期六,年迈的共和国总统冯·兴登堡元帅突然免去了他的职务。On Saturday, January 28, 1933, he had been abruptly dismissed by the aging President oft he Republic, Field Marshal von Hindenburg.

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大胆的杀戮和兴登堡对此没有反应巩固了希特勒在德国至高无上的政治地位。The audacious nature of the killings and the lack of response from Hindenburg confirmed Hitler's place as the supreme political power in Germany.

虽然兴登堡凶兆引起了轰动,但他的投资简报名气不响,只有100名订户,远不如兴登堡凶兆出名。Despite the publicity surrounding the Hindenburg Omen, his obscure investment newsletter, which has just 100 subscribers, hasn't fared quite as well.

多亏照片的力量,在1937年5月6日发生的兴登堡飞艇爆炸事故被冠以20世纪典型灾难这一有争议的称号。Thanks to the power of images, the explosion of the Hindenburg on May 6, 1937, claims the dubious honor of being the quintessential disaster of the 20th century.

不仅是停车场发生的这一切让我们很丢脸,再加上,为了让这辆能够自动停车的庞然大物腾出位置,还得乞求陌生人的帮助,这同样让我感到很丢脸。Instead of merely being humiliated at flubbing a parking job, I was being humiliated at having to solicit a stranger's help to park a self-parking car in a space the size of the Hindenburg.