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医药航空母舰,人类健康福源。Medical aircraft carrier, the springhead of human health.

我骨子里就是个多愁善感的女孩,这是唯一的根源。I am a delicate girl in bone, maybe it is the only springhead.

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回顾、总结这段历史,具有正本清源,恢复、发扬党的优良新闻传统的意义。Review this part of history is trying to find the springhead of the good journalism.

人有想像力和创造性,这是人成功的力量泉源!Because people have ability of imagination and invention, which is power springhead of success.

人有想像力和创造性,这是人成功的力量泉源!Person has the imaginative power and creativeness , this is successful person strength springhead !

竞争力是簇群获得持续竞争优势的源泉。The competitive capacity is the springhead for the clusters to acquire sustainable competition advantages.

水之于人类,乃无可取缔的生命泉源。我们每天遇上种种的无形压力,导致身心俱疲。Water is the springhead of lives. We experience all sorts of invisible pressures everyday, exhausting our.

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源恒家居用品有限公司是一家集设计研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的家居用品企业。Springhead devotes itself a long term especially on high quality bathroom products research, design and production.

思维创新是领导活动发展和变革的先导,实践是领导思维创新的源泉。Intellectual innovation is a requisite of leading activity development and reform , and practice is the springhead of it.

从一定程度上讲,现代企业的效率源泉之一就是企业家人力资本的运用。To some extent, it is one of the efficiency springhead of modern enterprises to make use of entrepreneurships human capital.

进而对我国国有商业银行组织结构问题的深层次原因进行了探讨。What's more, this thesis probe into the springhead of the problem of the state-owned commercial bank organizational structure.

发展能力是企业持续发展和未来价值的源泉,是企业的生存之本、获利之源。Development ability is the springhead of enterprise extended development and future value, is the base of enterprise existence and the springhead of profit.

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然后对活动课程的有关理论进行论述,主要包括活动课程教育思想起源、活动课程的本质和特征、活动课程的功能等。Then carry on the treatise to the relevant theories of the activity curriculum, mainly including the springhead of educational thought, essence, characters, function etc.

本文从全球化的实质、全球化的成因、全球化的发展趋势以及人们对全球化的态度等角度出发,探讨全球化过程中的价值冲突及其产生根源。Globalization and the Clash of Value English SummaryThe paper has discussed conflict of value and produced springhead in Globalization from essential, cause of formation and development trend.

劲酒所用原酒就是采用双龙泉源头之水和东北上乘红粮精酿而成的小曲清香型白酒。The water that strong wine place uses head of double dragon springhead namely with former wine and northeast are excellent the ditty faint scent that red food energy is brewed and becomes liquor.