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这是一家专门出版食谱的出版公司。This is a house specializing in cookbooks.

时间是一位精于修改的裁缝。Time is a dressmaker, specializing in alterations.

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时间是一个裁缝,擅长于量体裁衣。Time is a dressmaker, specializing in altreations.

他乐衷于汇集各类光怪陆离的故事。He collects specializing in various rabbit-hole story.

男、女装,专营意大利皮草。Men’s and women’s clothing, specializing in Italian furs.

专业生产茶和咖啡包装、棱锥形茶包。Specializing in tea and coffee packaging, pyramid tea bag.

我们是一个新的开始,在云计算技术专业。We are a new start-up specializing in the Cloud technology.

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株洲和茂专业生产铟锭,铟珠,精铟,价格有竞争力!Zhuzhou Hemao Trade Co. , Ltd Specializing in indium ingot.

闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已。Wen Road have been, industry specializing in surgery, so it.

南京奇科科技有限公司专业生产楼宇对讲产品!Specializing in the production of building intercom Products!

最初,谢文骏练习的是足球,专攻守门员。Initially, Xie Wenjun's soccer practice, specializing in goal.

我厂主要生产玻璃、陶瓷水转印贴花系列产品。I plant specializing in the production of water-transfer decals.

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专业从事高新技术产品研发人员60余人。Specializing in high-tech products more than 60 R & D personnel.

焊接设备的专业生产企业。Welding equipment specializing in the production of enterprises.

是真菌学领域研究专家。Dr Toni Atkinson is a research scientist specializing in mycology.

奈瑞夫。帕特尔是一位专门从事亚洲事务的研究助理。Nirav Patel is a research associate specializing in Asian affairs.

他是达特默思的一个教授,擅长于可持续能源研究。He's a professor at Dartmouth, specializing in sustainable energies.

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我公司是专业生产以全棉系列毛。Our company is specializing in the production of cotton wool series.

奥拉成为一个独立的赏金猎人,专职于猎杀绝地。Aurra became an independent bounty hunter specializing in Jedi hunts.

专业从事遮阳篷设计、生产、销售的公司。Sunshades specializing in design, production and sale of the company.