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苏黎士在哪一个州?。Which canton is Zurich in?

柯林斯先生今天早上还在苏黎士。Mr. Collins was in Zurich this morning.

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我们同苏黎世的一家公司有业务往来。We have connections with a firm in Zurich.

苏黎世也是全球主要的运输枢纽。Zurich is also a major transportation hub.

有人为他预订了一张上午9点飞往苏黎世的机票。He is booked on the 09.00 flight to Zurich.

有人为他预订了一张上午9点飞往苏黎世的机票。He is booked on the 09.00 flights to Zurich.

有人为他预订了一张上午9点飞往苏黎世的机票。He was booked on the 09.00 flight to Zurich.

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在苏黎士你将坐在路易斯。阿拉贡内斯旁边。You'll be alongside Luis Aragonés in Zurich.

嘿,多佛!嘿,库克!嘿,苏伊士和卡特琳娜。Now, Dover! Now, Cook! Now, Zürich and Catalina!

苏黎世降雪量达73厘米,为10年来最多。Zurich snow reached 73 centimeters, maximum 10 years.

在苏黎世冰上艺术表演期间,我有机会将这个感受告诉了她。In Zurich during "Art on Ice" I had a chance to tell her.

苏黎世则是这个国家巧克力产业的心脏。Zurich is the heart of chocolate production in the country.

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每年大约有200人在苏黎世选择协助自杀。About 200 people commit assisted suicide each year in Zurich.

一般的苏黎世家庭平均一周只会有一个「苏黎袋」的垃圾量。The average Zurich family produces just one Zuri-Sack a week.

2005年,托马斯·C·伯纳尔,瑞士联邦理工学院Thomas C. Bernauer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

瑞士苏黎世动物园,一只亚洲狮正在阳光下午休。An Asiatic lion dozes in the sun at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland.

将于周六开始的苏黎世亚洲的拍卖会将是到迄今为止规模最大的邮品拍卖会。Zurich Asia's auction, which starts Saturday, is its biggest to date.

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在1516年,他接受了任命艾因西德伦,东南部的苏黎世。In 1516 he accepted an appointment at Einsiedeln, southeast of Zürich.

大酒店位于车远离苏黎世弗利姆斯,1.5小时。The Grand Hotel is located in Flims, only 1.5 hours by car from Zurich.

距离汉莎下一班飞苏黎世的航班还有两个小时。There was still two hours left before next flight from Hansa to Zurich.