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阿悦-奥兰尼亚是一位注册和谐生活教练。Ayo Olaniyan is a certified Unitive Life Coach.

全国一站服务统一标准、快速响应。One-Stop Service Unitive standard, Fast response.

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学术是自由探索与遵循规范的矛盾与辩证统一。Their relation in academic activities is both contradictive and unitive.

因此有关休眠卡的数量目前没有统一的口径。So at present the amount of the dormancy card doesn't have a unitive caliber.

同时提供了录入各种装配履历信息的统一界面。The unitive interface to import all Assembly Resume Forms' information was provided.

中国是一个统一的多民族的国家,而朝鲜族是中华民族大家庭里的一员。Chian is the many unitive nation country, the Korea nationality is a member of the Chinese nation.

科技与价值相互渗透、相互影响,是建立在实践基础上的统一存在。Science, technology and value influence each other and are the unitive exist based on the practice.

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但对该方法具体野外工作条件的合理搭配尚无统一的规范。A unitive criterion about the field work condition of the method has not been established until now.

究其原因多种多样,其中最为关键的是对IT项目成功标准缺乏统一的认识。There is lot of reason, the most pivotal of which is no unitive understanding about the IT project success.

本文提出一种对激光物理学中谱线综合加宽问题的统一处理方法。The unitive descreption method on subject of the integrated broadening of the line in laser physics is given.

东亚,东南亚国家里,随处可见和谐统一的儒家的文化。In East Asia and Southeast Asia countries, it's easy to find harmonious and unitive Confucian culture everywhere.

其优点是为数据的交换与传输提供了统一的中间层,屏蔽了不同数据库系统之间不同的物理存储结构。Its advantage is to offer the unitive exchange and transmission of the datum which from different database systems.

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新学年开始后,同学之间有团结友爱,也有矛盾纠葛。After new school year begins, there is unitive friendly affection between the classmate, also have contradictory dispute.

在中国多民族统一国家的形成和发展过程中,边疆民族也做了巨大的贡献。The ethnic groups in frontier have contributed a lot to the formation and development of the unitive and multi-ethnic China.

受教育权是公民的一项基本权利。这项权利具有全民性、无财产内容、不可转让性和权利义务统一性的特点。As a fundamental right of citizens, the right to education is civil, property free, non_transferable, and unitive of the rights and the duties.

CUBA应脚踏实地地抓球队的管理,加紧制定运动员招生、学习、训练、比赛等方面统一、具体的规章制度。To improve the team administration, CUBA ought to make unitive and specific rules immediately on players' recruiting, learning, training and tournament.

大约于公元前3000年左右,埃及成为统一的奴隶制国家,在没有外来势力的影响下,发展着自己生生不息的文明和科学。About 3000 B. C. , Egypt became unitive slavery country, then, in the absence of external force'affecting, it developed lasting civilization and science.

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由于目前我国对股票期权的确认、计量、记录和报告尚未作出统一规范,所以,各企业的会计处理不一。Because we don t have the unitive criterion of affirmance, measurement, register and report on stock option, different enterprises use the different methods.

由于目前我国对股票期权的确认、计量、记录和报告尚未作出统一规范,所以,各企业的会计处理不一。Because we do not have the unitive criterion of affirmance , measurement, register and report on stock option, different enterprises use the different methods.

通过信任,个体获得内心安宁和自我认同,确立并外化自己的内在统一人格,成为社会的个人。In trust, the individual can earn inner peace, self-identity, and can establish and exhibit his inner unitive personality, and hence becomes a social individual.