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他们出于自己的意志力才这么做。They did so of their own volition.

人的意志什么时候最坚强?。The person's volition when the firmest?

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这种阴阴的天气最是消磨人的意志。Such cloudy weather can wear people's volition.

这些由我们自身意愿猛攻入我们大脑中的噪声。Noise that we're blasting into our brains by our own volition.

你不可能真的相信,骑士风度不再存在是男人自己的意志吧。Women, you cannot honestly believe chivalry has died because of men's own volition.

我国的知识分子绝大多数是自觉自愿地为社会主义服务的。The overwhelming majority of our intellectuals serve socialism of their own volition.

军事基本技能训练可增强学生的体魄、磨练意志。Basic martial skill training could make students' body stronger and chasten their volition.

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造物的意志是避免制造过于内向或是过于外向的后代。Demiurgic volition is to avoid to make too indrawn or be too the offspring of extroversion.

群众愈没有文化,就愈容易被人愚弄,愈容易服从长官意志。The more there is no culture, the more easily fooled, more amenable to magisterial volition.

人民按照自己的意愿以及传统搬来搬去是罗马精神的活化石。And it is petrified of the Roma, a people who move around of their own volition and tradition.

这种现象极度的不寻常,天堂的力量很少这样直接干预人类的命运,但是泰瑞尔说这是靠他自己的意志决定的。It is highly unusual for the forces of Heaven to so directly interfere with man's destiny, but Tyrael was said to act of his own volition.

动机、兴趣和情感共同构成创新的动力系统,意志和性格则是创新的可靠保证。Motivation, interest and sensibility constitute the dynamic system of innovation, while volition and character are its reliable guarantee.

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考研是一个漫长的过程,在这个过程中一定要意志坚定,勇往直前!所以也很难忘记!Take an examination of grinding is a lengthy process, in this process must the volition is sturdy, be precipitant ! Forget very hard also so!

体育作为一项身体练习活动,能有效提高学生意志品质和耐受挫折的能力。Sport, as a kind of physical exercises, proved to be able to improve the students' volition qualities and anti-frustration ability effectively.

选取91名不同级别的高水平足球运动员、17名国家级帆船帆板运动员作为被试,进行了人格特质和意志品质的心理测量、分析。This research selected 91 soccer athletes in different groups and 17 sailboard and sail athletes. EPQ and volition of athletes test have been executed.

“中国—我—新马”的思维三角确立起来的是新马华族自我肯定的强烈意志。Three dimensions of China-Me-Singapore and Malaysia has established the self-affirmation of intense volition about the Chinese of Singapore and Malaysia.

期待可能性对罪过心理以至刑事责任的影响,实质上是对人的意志自由的影响。Actually, the influence that expectant probability impose on guilty mind and criminal responsibility is the influence that impose on freedom of human volition.

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因为精神病是大脑活动功能失调而出现的认识、情感、意志和行为等方面的异常。Because mental disease is cerebrum activity function maladjusted and of the respect such as occurrence understanding, affection, volition and behavior unusual.

在分配刑事责任的时候,应该从共犯的主观意志出发,以其对超出共谋之罪范围的过限行为所持主观态度如何来确定是否属于共犯过限。This paper holds that in allocating criminal liability, joint offenders' subjective volition should be analyzed first to determine whether it belongs to surplus behavior.

大脑可以编辑我们的视觉经验,而且在其神经细胞已经行动之后,还能让给我们一种「自由意志」的感觉,在在说明大脑对时间是多麽的敏感。The brain's ability to edit our visual experiences and to impart a sense of volition after neurons have already acted is an indication of its exquisite sensitivity to time.