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谨慎计划。Plan prudently.

他们在蓬车安全上路后立即谨慎地离去了。They had prudently withdrawn as soon as the van had got fairly under way.

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本文谨此作一综述,以进一步了解各种药物治疗并殖吸虫病的疗效。This paper review prudently on their therapeutic effects of various drugs on paragonimiasis.

谨慎地对资产进行多元化投资,可能意味着“基于市场”的人民币可能会逐渐走弱、而非走强。Prudently diversifying assets could mean the renminbi will weaken over time on a "market basis".

祂必作王掌权,行事精明,在地上施行公理和公义。And He will reign as King and act prudently And will execute justice and righteousness in the land.

下面是你需要观察的一些省钱技巧,以便你谨慎地管理金钱。Here is some basic money-saving tips that you need to observe so as to manage your money prudently.

你看,我已成为那些谨慎而理智生活的人们中的一员,日以继夜的重复着。You see, I have been one of those fellows who live prudently and sanely, hour after hour, day after day.

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一个游手好闲而损失了价值五先令时间的人,就是失去了五个先令,他还不如把五先令扔进河里的好。He that idly loses 5 grouts ' worth of time, loses 5 grouts , and might as prudently throw 5 grouts in the river.

我们都把注意力集中在营养、锻炼、休息或者脑力训练上,而却蓄意忽视性。We all put this wholesome focus on nutrition, exercise, relaxation or brain training but sex gets prudently ignored.

但是这次的危机表明,尽管那些关系体系良好的公司,在经济低迷期能够谨慎行事,同样也会削弱整个系统的稳定性。But the crisis showed that even well-managed firms, acting prudently in a downturn, can undermine the strength of all.

西班牙银行业监管者慎重的说道,只有当银行储存了足够的资金,才能够制造类似的金融工具。Spain's banking regulator prudently said that such vehicles could be created, but only if the banks put capital aside.

还有,美国和韩国正在慎重讨论如何处置朝鲜可能的崩溃。And that the United States and South Korea are prudently discussing how to handle the potential collapse of North Korea.

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谨慎地对资产进行多元化投资,可能意味着“基于市场”的人民币可能会逐渐走弱、而非走强。Prudently diversifying assets could mean the renminbi will get weaker rather than stronger over time on a "market basis".

我个人就是谨慎地守住自己的身体,力求清静,无为,才能过着安乐,与沉稳的生活。Like this I guard my body prudently. I make an effort to live a life of tranquilness , non-action, joy, peace and composure.

这意味着它们必须从一开始就谨慎地评估客户风险——不然,当借款人有麻烦时,背包袱的就是自己。That means they must prudently assess a customer's risk from the outset—or face huge losses when borrowers run into trouble.

通俗歌曲的歌词为了更有效地配合曲子表情达意,必须精心选择、调整修饰语言。In order to match the melody, the words of pop songs must be selected prudently and the language used must be modified accordingly.

哈根谨慎地给了布拉西一个友好的微笑,那个矮胖的人用礼貌的努起橡胶一样的、牛肉色的嘴答谢。Hagen prudently gave Brasi a friendly smile which the squat man acknowledged with a polite stretching of rubbery, veal-colored lips.

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日方应本着“以史为鉴,面向未来”的精神,慎重妥善处理有关问题。The Japanese side should prudently and properly handle relevant issue in the spirit of "taking history as a mirror and looking into the future".

本文以审慎的态度,探讨陇右诗歌悲苦色彩之形成缘由、蕴涵及其美学意蕴,并进而展现杜甫独特的心路历程。The author prudently discusses the reason, contain and aesthetic meaning of Longyou period, in order to exhibit the special feeling course of Du Fu.

积极稳妥推进医药卫生体制改革,全面落实五项重点工作。We will actively yet prudently carry forward the reform of the pharmaceutical and healthcare systems, and comprehensively accomplish five key tasks.