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知识是一种具有客观基础的认知。Knowledge is a cognizance of basic impersonality.

这是一种典型的于己无关,将个体本身排除在外。A certain kind of, well, you might say impersonality.

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非个人化的泪水和颤抖。Those have to be the tears and shivers of impersonality.

其中客观的因特网,这是一种弥合数码鸿沟。Amongst the impersonality of the internet, this is a way of bridging the cyber gap.

他想找一个话题,使她一本正经的态度变得友好一点。He searched for a topic which would warm her office impersonality into friendliness.

国家形象是国家的客观状态在公众舆论中的投影。The state image is the reflection of countrys impersonality state in public opinion.

体育舞蹈中身体的暂时性体现了主观与客观时间的对话。The temporality of the body is the embodiment of the subjectivity and the impersonality.

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他创造的视觉隐喻,他的个人化、心灵化的绘画形象,为中国画的发展提供了宝贵的经验。He has enriched the treasure of Chinese paintings with his visual metaphor, impersonality and spiritualization.

就我们而言,电子交流的没有人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。TO us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand.

就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand.

由于周围大气温度的变化,桥梁上部结构产生的温度变形是一个客观存在的事实。Due to the atmosphere temperature change, the bridge superstructures' thermal deformation exist impersonality which is a fact.

非个人化”之所以出名-,是因为T。S。艾略特所提倡的,是所有伟大的艺术都应该归于的状态。That word, "impersonality"-- made famous by T.S. Eliot who advocated that is the stance from which all great art should proceed.

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他关于“传统”、“非个人化”和“客观对应物”的理论都建立在创作客观性基础上。His theories about "tradition", "impersonality" and "objective correlative" are all based on the objectivity of literary creation.

它是社会生产力的客观发展与发达资本主义国家和西方跨国公司主动推动的结果。It is the result that society fertility impersonality development, capitalism developed country and western MNC initiative impulse.

证券资信评级机构对评级结果的客观、公正和及时性承担责任。The securities rating organizations shall be responsible for the impersonality , impartiality and punctuality of the rating result.

美学“经典”文本解释的“合法性”主要是指一种能为公共认可的外在客观存在根据。The validity of explaining about the sutra text of aesthetics mostly point to the impersonality basis which is recognized by commonality.

美学“经典”文本解释的“合法性”主要是指一种能为公共认可的外在客观存在根据。The validity of explaining about the sutra text of aesthetics mostly point to the impersonality basis which is recognized by communality.

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同时指出,我国目前数字摄影测量系统的开发和引进应符合客观实际,避免浪费。The paper puts out that the development and introduction of digital photogrammetric system should accord with impersonality and avoid waste.

作为经营货币信用的特殊企业,商业银行会计信息的真实性、客观性尤显重要。As a kind of special enterprise operating money, the trueness and impersonality of commercial banks accounting information is very important.

转换分析表明硬新闻也常常使用被动化和名物化的手段来达到客观性的效果。Transformation analysis shows that passivation and nominalization are usually used in hard news reports to achieve the effect of impersonality.