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嫁给他?Marry him?

你结婚?You marry?

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他娶了她!He marry her!

嫁给你爱的人。Marry your love.

同性恋能结婚吗?Should gays marry?

我应该跟谁结婚?Who should I marry?

谁要和你结婚?Who would marry you?

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你愿意嫁给我吗?Would you marry me ?

我不可以跟均昊结婚。I can't marry Junhao.

他敢不敢娶她呢?Dared he to marry her?

你的婚后生活怎样?How do you marry life?

他是一支潜力股,我要嫁给这个男人。I could marry this guy!

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她会嫁壹个囿钱的男人。She'd marry a rich men.

陈将嫁给自己。Chen will marry herself.

亲爱的,你能嫁给我吗?Dear, will you marry me?

她该嫁给林顿吗?Should she marry Linton?

贝丝,嫁给我,好吗?Will you marry me, Beth?

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一女奇丑,嫁不出去。A woman Qichou, marry us.

我现在把你许配给他。Now, I let him marry you.

请让我嫁给邓先生吧。Please let me marry Tang.